Madres Contra La Guerra
Organization: Madres Contra La Guerra |
Address: River Plantation 45 Calle Tallaboa
City: Canóvanas
State: Puerto Rico
Zipcode: 00729
Phone: (787) 619-5175
Organizational Website:
Instagram: madrescontralaguerra
Twitter: @mclgpr
YouTube: madrescontralaguerra
Scope of organization:
- Regional
This organization is a:
- Counter-recruitment Organization
- Organization with Counter-recruitment as a major component
- Counter-recruitment project of a larger, multi-issue organization
- Offers Truth in Recruitment Information
- Does School Demilitarization ActivismOffers Military Counseling
Organization base:
- Nonstudent community based
- Veteran or military family based
- Virtual online community based
Outreach to specific communities:
- Veteran and Active Military
- Women
- Puertorriqueños
- Boricua
Issues you are working on:
- Alternatives to the military
- ASVAB testing in schools
- College ROTC
- Conscientious objection
- Equal school access for counter-recruitment
- General counter-recruitment/Truth in Recruitment youth education
- High school JROTC
- College school JROTC
- Limiting recruiter access to schools
- NCLB recruiting list opt-out
- Recruiting vans/mobile exhibits
Years in Operation: More than 20 years
Summary describing your organization: Madres en contra de la Guerra es una organización de base comunitaria a favor de la paz para las madres, familias y amigos que se oponen a las guerras como modo de lidiar con disputas nacionales o internacionales y al uso de la tortura para extraer información de los prisioneros. Luchamos porque la juventud boricua no firme un contrato militar y por la salud de nuestros familiares militares.
Mothers Against the War is a community-based organization for peace for mothers, families and friends who oppose the war as a way of dealing with national or international disputes and the use of torture to extract information from the prisoners. We fight for Puerto Rican youth not to sign a military contract and the health of our military families.
Contact Person: Sonia Santiago Hernández

Revised 09/02/2022