pdf Guide to banning school marksmanship training 04 05 18 Popular
By Gary Ghirardi In Reports Tagged in counter-recruitment, jrotc, marksmanship, militarism, shooting 3873 downloads

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY), in collaboration with Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities - Project YANO,, has developed a new resource called, Guide to Removing Marksmanship Training from High Schools. This guide documents the process and strategies learned by the Education Not Arms Coalition comprised of students, teachers, and parents that successfully lobbied the San Diego California City school board for the removal of Shooting Ranges from eleven high schools in 2009 and adopting a zero-tolerance policy for marksmanship training in their school district.
NNOMY recommends this proven strategy for organizing a campaign for the removal of marksmanship training on a school district level thus accomplishing an important aspect of school demilitarization.
Here are some of the accomplishments of the Education Not Arms Coalition strategy:
- School Board Votes to End Weapons Training in their school district.
- Marine Corps JROTC at one San Diego school fell so low that the unit was eventually forced to leave.
- Shooting ranges from eleven high schools in the San Diego school district were closed in 2009