pdf MILITARIZING AMERICAN SCHOOLS: Post Pandemic 2023 Popular
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Militarizing American Schools Post Pandemic 2023.pdf
The U.S. Department of Defense is struggling to meet its recruitment quotas for all branches of the military in 2022 -2023. In response to this “national security” crisis, there has been the emergence of lower standards for recruits as well as new strategies for military recruitment commands to appeal to and recruit the next digital generation of youth. The following document contains articles that cover the Department of Defense’s strategies in both expanded and new locations for military recruitment currently impacting youth both inside and outside their public schools. For those activists that are confronting increased military recruiting inside their communities, the following articles will offer information about programs of the military they are likely to confront in their efforts to demilitarize youth. Also provided are basic resources to counter military recruitment with youth targeted by military recruiters from the counter-recruitment community of activists.