
Folder Toolkits/guides

Guides, kits and other how-to resources tailored for counter-recruitment organizers.


pdf Activist Tool Kit Popular

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pdfAcross the nation, students and activists are taking action,saying NO to increased militarization of our schools.Peace!
We hope you will find this Activist Toolkit to be a useful tool for those devoted to demilitarizing our schools and educating students and parents on how to keep student contact information out of the hands of military recruiters. In this Activist Toolkit, you will find the following information to help you plan an exciting and successful action:

pdf Adopt A School Kit Popular

By 13195 downloads

aaskOperation Student Privacy
• To inform students and parents regarding their privacy rights in relation to military recruiters
Operation Informed Decision
• To provide information and education about the military, equal access, alternatives to the
military resources and programming.

default Anti-War & Pro-Peace Resources Database Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, demilitarization, guides, peace-database 1395 downloads

Anti-War & Pro-Peace Resources Database

We’ve compiled this database of useful resources of our own and links to those found elsewhere, and created this system to help you find them. Are you looking for tools for creating events, or for information on a particular topic? Make your choice(s) under Topics below. Are you wanting to find videos, or books, or flyers, or articles, or ... choose the Type(s) of resources you want below. And if you only want results in a particular language, make that choice too. Let us know how you like this new system!

pdf Back-to-school Kit for Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Organizing Popular

By Tagged in back-to-school, counter-recruitment, demilitarization 8731 downloads

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The Back-to-school Kit for Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Organizing is a catalog of basic material useful to educating young people and school personnel about the realities of military enlistment and war. The catalog also includes some information on alternatives to enlistment, as well as items written for organizers seeking to reach out to local schools. All of the material in this catalog was carefully reviewed for relevancy and accuracy as of the January of 2024.  

A task force of knowledgeable organizers did the research. It does not include all of the available literature on  this topic because much of what exists is out of date or is no longer being produced by the original sources.

Consequently, we focused on identifying items that we felt were basic and most useful for effective organizing  and educating. New items may be added to future kits as they become available.


It’s very simple: Read the descriptions in the catalog and then go to the links that are listed to view or download documents that are relevant o your local organizing. In some cases, you will be able to reprint them for local reproduction; or, you will be able to order copies in bulk if they are offered by the original source.

NOTE: If you wish to print the catalog, be sure to choose the landscape setting in your print menu (i.e., horizontal).


The catalog groups items into various subject categories:

  • Counter-recruitment
  • Non-military Career, College and Service Alternatives
  • Gender and the Military
  • Delayed Entry Program (DEP)
  • Privacy  (Opt Out Forms/ ASVAB etc.)
  • Resources for Organizers
  • Contact Information


Who Distributes the Back-to-school Kit for Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Organizing:



Homepage: https://www.facebook.com/stopkidsgoingtowar

Revised 01/08/2024 - GDG

pdf Challenging Military Sexual Violence Popular

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Challenging Military Sexual Violence

A Guide to Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policies in the US Armed Forces for Servicemembers, MSV Survivors and Their Advocates

Sexual assault and sexual harassment have long been serious problems in the armed forces. In recent years, the issue has received far more notice and it is now generally acknowledged that the problem is – and likely always has been — epidemic. DoD’s own reports reveal that over 4,700 service members, both men and women, reported they were assaulted in 2015. Experts point out it is likely that only one in ten people report their assaults. The DoD reports show that many members are afraid to report assaults or harassment. This is often out of fear of command retaliation. When reports are made, they are often ignored or retaliation does, in fact, occur. This phenomenon, too, has been longstanding but has only recently come to public attention.

More Information - https://nlgmltf.org/programs-and-services/military-law-library/memos/military-sexual-violence/

The Military Law Task Force

pdf Counter-recruitment: Inside Out Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment 3714 downloads

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Counter-recruitment: Inside Out

Counter-recruitment Inside Out, is a compilation of articles authored during the last 12 years by activists and researchers, offering an analysis of counter-recruitment practices. It also seeks strategies for improving its effectiveness in persuading the youth to take a harder look at military enlistment, and to develop a more informed view of the motivations behind their government's wars. With the advent of militarized gaming and the increase of movie and television militainment influencing young minds and legitimizing state violence, counter-recruiters need to develop more nuanced methods of directing young people towards alternatives to militarization.

pdf Despojando a nuestra juventud de la máquina de guerra: una guía para contrarrestar y resistir la militarización de la juventud Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, jrotc, recruitment 2367 downloads

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Despojando a nuestra juventud de la máquina de guerra: una guía para contrarrestar y resistir la militarización de la juventud

En cooperación con la campaña Desinversión de la máquina de guerra de Codepink, The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth contribuye con esta guía para desmilitarizar nuestras escuelas del alcance de una disposición de la Ley de éxito de todos los niños que permite el acceso sin restricciones a reclutadores militares en nuestras escuelas . Esta guía instruye a los activistas sobre cómo presionar a los distritos escolares para que sigan las pautas de igualdad de acceso y para organizar comunidades, padres, maestros y estudiantes para limitar el acceso de los reclutadores a sus escuelas.

Gran parte del contenido de esta Guía de campaña de desinversión se toma prestada con el permiso de la Red Nacional de Oposición a la Militarización de la Juventud (NNOMY), la Coalición Nacional para Proteger la Privacidad de los Estudiantes, Dejar de Reclutar Niños y Guardar la Educación Civil. Les estamos extremadamente agradecidos por contribuir con su visión y experiencia a este movimiento. Para obtener más información sobre el trabajo de NNOMY, visite http://nnomy.org/index.php/en/. Para proteger el trabajo de la privacidad del estudiante, visite http://www.studentprivacy.org/. Para obtener más información sobre Stop Recruiting Kids, visite: http://srkcampaign.org/. Para obtener más información sobre el trabajo de Save Civilian Education, visite http://savecivilianeducation.org/.

pdf Divesting Our Youth from the War Machine: A Guide to Countering and Resisting the Militarization of Youth 2017-2018 Popular

By 3553 downloads

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Divesting Our Youth from the War Machine: A Guide to Countering and Resisting the Militarization of Youth 2017-2018

In Cooperation with Codepink's Divest from the War Machine campaign, The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth contributes this guide for demilitarizing our schools from the over-reach of a provision of the Every Child Succeeds Act that permits unrestricted access to military recruiters in our schools. This guide instructs activists how to lobby school districts to follow equal access guidelines and to organize communities, parents, teachers, and students to limit recruiter access to their schools.

Much of the contents of this Divestment Campaign Guide are borrowed with permission from the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY), National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy, Stop Recruiting Kids, and Save Civilian Civilian Education. We are extremely grateful to them for contributing their insight and experience to this movement. To learn more about NNOMY’s work, visit http://nnomy.org/index.php/en/. To Protect Student Privacy’s work, visit http://www.studentprivacy.org/. To learn more about Stop Recruiting Kids, visit: http://srkcampaign.org/. To learn more about Save Civilian Education’s work, visit http://savecivilianeducation.org/.

You can visit Codepink's Divest from the War Machine website at https://www.divestfromwarmachine.org/ 

default DMZ: A Guide to Taking Your School Back from the Military Popular

By 9412 downloads

DMZ: A Guide to Taking Your School Back From the MilitaryDMZ is a comprehensive counter military recruitment organizing manual for youth activists and their allies. This 48 page magazine-style handbook includes everything you need to know about organizing to keep military recruiters out of your school, including detailed legal information, concrete campaign suggestions, and up-to-date statistics. (You will need to request a copy as is out of circulation now.)

pdf Educator's Tour: Recruiting Children into the U.S. Military Popular

By 749 downloads

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Educators' TourThe human family consists for the most part of wonderfully ordinary people, who work hard to care for themselves and their children. However, there are a few people who aspire to positions of power, and then work to use their authority to manipulate and control all the others.

Educators' tour is about how youth are militarized and how the educational system plays a primary role in shaping the view of citizens about militarism in society.

Published 2008

Gary Evans, MD

19 pages

pdf Full Spectrum Counter-Recruitment Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, recruitment 2390 downloads

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Full Spectrum Counter-recruitment Final2.pdf

Full Spectrum Counter-Recruitment

The Full Spectrum Counter-Recruitment PDF examines efforts to demilitarize public schools and end the flow of new warriors by modernizing counter recruitment efforts to oppose military tactics to use digital and online gaming platforms to reach kids. This document was prepared for a Veterans For Peace Online Convention workshop and is publically available as a resource.

pdf Guide to High School Leafleting Popular

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ghslInformation specifically about leafleting and petitioning inside and outside schools, by students and nonstudents.

pdf High School Students' Rights Popular

By 12624 downloads

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High School Students’ Rights (1).pdf

High School Students' Rights
What Every Student Should Know!

A brochure that briefly summarizes some of the First Amendment and other important rights of high school students. It covers:

    Your right to freedom of expression
    Possible free speech restrictions
    Clubs and Activities
    Submitting free speech materials ahead of time
    Prior restraint by school officials
    What to do if your free speech rights are being violated
    Some other rights you should know about

    Download a copy here. Revised 12/22

pdf Know Before You Go, 'Cause There's No Reset Button Popular

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Know Before You Go Updated.pdf

wrl_yaya_pampletKnow Before You Go, 'Cause There's No Reset Button is a collaboration with the Ya-Ya Network (Youth Activists-Youth Allies), a youth of color-led antimilitarist organization based in NYC.

(updated version: 12/13/2011 Folks should discard any other recent versions you are distributing)

Our leaflet breaks down the enlistment contract and life in the military and provides new stats about sexual assault in the military, racial disparities in becoming an officer, and stop-loss.

Written to be accessible to everyone while providing the most important info for making a fully informed choice about joining the military, this leaflet will be a staple for counter-recruiters.


Available  on our online store for $0.15/copy plus 20% shipping.


By 1401 downloads

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Legal Issues Affecting School Access_draft2.pdf


Presenter: Rick Jahnkow, Project YANO (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The legal rules for what can be said in schools by teachers, students and non-school community groups are not the same:

  • Teachers: can control which topics will be introduced in their classrooms - but they also must conform to state and local school district rules on curriculum content and teacher behavior.
  • Students: have an inherent right to engage in free speech activities at school, including the right to express themselves on conroversial topics - but their expressive activities can be limited by “reasonable” time, place and manner guidelines.
  • Non-school groups from the community: have NO automatic right to enter schools. If given access, the content of their speech can be limited. 

Read More in PDF

pdf Primer on Foreign Policy For U.S. Congressional Candidates Popular

By Tagged in congress, foreign-policy, legislation 904 downloads

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Primer on Foreign Policy For U.S. Congressional Candidates

Voters are often told that candidates for the U.S. Congress lack any foreign policy platform because they don’t know enough about the topic and don’t plan to focus on it. The following is meant to quickly remedy that situation. Below is information on:



Setting aside mandatory spending (including Social Security, Medicare, and other spending that Congress does not address annually) as well as payments on debts, and looking only at discretionary spending (the money Congress spends each year at its discretion), over half in recent years has gone to military spending.

Military spending (discretionary and otherwise) includes a budget of three-quarters of a trillion dollars for the Pentagon, plus hundreds of billions more for nuclear weapons in the Energy Department, military activities of other departments including Homeland Security, the budgets of 17 secretive agencies, debt for past wars, and the Veterans Affairs budget.

U.S. military spending dwarfs the cost of most infrastructure and social needs spending legislation, the cost of any other item (or dozen items) of discretionary spending, and the military spending of any other nation. In 2020, U.S. military spending was more than the military spending of the next 11 biggest spenders combined, nine of which nations were U.S. weapons customers pressed by the U.S. government to increase their military spending. The next 14 biggest spenders below the top 12 were the only others to spend over 1% of U.S. military spending, and of those 14, 11 were U.S. weapons customers.  

Learn More

pdf Roots Initiative Toolkit Popular

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FYCO tools kitFrom 2003-2006, the FCYO implemented and coordinated the Roots Initiative, a grantmaking and capacity-building project involving ten dynamic Youth Organizing groups from around the country. This Toolkit provides, additionally, various suites of tools (in the form of templates, worksheets and exercises) that we hope are useful to organizations undertaking a broad range of organizational development efforts.

default Say What? High School Students Rights Popular

By 5060 downloads

As a student or young person, you've undoubtedly had people – teachers, parents, coaches – tell you what you could do or say about something. You may even have had someone tell you that you couldn't express your opinion, especially about a controversial subject, such as violence among young people, war, or government policy. But you do have a right to your opinions and a right to (respectfully) share them with others – even in your public school.

Revised 10/13/2017

pdf School Board Kit Popular

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pdfLeave My Child Alone - Adopt-A-School Board Kit
Top 5 to Know About a School Board Outing
Contact your District Superintendent’s office (searchable at www.leavemychildalone.org/supes) to nd out when and where your next School Board meeting will be held. Ask your District Superintendent’s ofce how and when community members may submit requests to get a Resolution on the Board’s agenda for discussion and vote.
Research your District’s current policy, and more importantly, nd out about your District’s current implementation of the Opt Out requirements . Submit your request in advance with an Opt Out Resolution attached

pdf Team Member Guidebook Popular

By 3913 downloads

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A compilation and reworking of materials from the websites of leading truth-in-recruiting organizations, including:

  • The Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools
  • Project YANO
  • The National Network Opposing Militarization of Youth
  • Non-Military Options for Youth
  • The AFSC’s Youth & Militarism Program

Draft in Development September 2013

pdf The Militarization of the US Education System: Supporting war with recruiting and research Popular

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The Militarization of the US Education System: Supporting war with recruiting and research

Power Point resource by activist Kathy Barker formerly of Washington Truth in Recruitment in Seattle Washington has produced this thorough review of the extent of military programs in our high schools and colleges and universities, A good resource to inform activists who choose to do counter-recruitment and other forms of youth demilitarization activism inside public schools and communities.

pdf The Student PIRGs' Activist Toolkit: A Crash Course in Effective Citizenship Popular

By 6481 downloads

Activist ToolkitThis Activist Toolkit provides any intern or volunteer with the basic tools necessary to run strong campaigns and service projects and win reforms both on and off campus for students and the public interest.

default Tools for Researching Militarism Popular

By 6924 downloads

Establishing Trust and Accountability: An Integrated Approach to Research on Militarism,” Fellowship Magazine, Spring 2011

Handbooks and Guides

FOIA GuideParticipatory Research Toolkit - The Data Center
Freedom of Information Act Guide
- National Security Archives
The Pentagon Labyrinth: Ten Short Essays to Get You Through It - Center for Defense Information (2011)
The Arms Trade Revealed
- Federation of American Scientists (1998 but still relevant)
Military Spending: Researching Impacts on Your Campus or Community - guide compiled by Western States Legal Foundation (2003, but most links still active)
Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask - University of California
Conducting Interviews - The Data Center


Sources of Information

A source list for researching militarism - Zoltan Grossman and John Lindsay-Poland (2011)
Internet Public Library - ask a librarian a reference question

Information assembled by Fellowship of Reconciliation: http://forusa.org

pdf Using Equal Access to Counter Militarism in High Schools Popular

By 10308 downloads

pdf Report on Project YANO’s efforts to gain access to schools in San Diego County from 1984 to 1995 (updated 7/06). Discusses outreach strategies, legal basis for equal access, lessons learned by activists. Key correspondence with school districts is included in appendix. Very useful for getting a school outreach program started.
Print Size: 8½ x 11 (48 pages, offset for hole punch)

pdf WAR FREE SCHOOLS: A Handbook for Counter Recruitment in Canada. Volume I Popular

By 5716 downloads

War Free SchoolsThe WAR FREE SCHOOLS organizing kit includes two volumes. WAR FREE SCHOOLS: The Rise of the Counter-Recruitment Movement debunks the myths about the military actions Canada is engaged in and places them in the context of rising tuition fees and military recruitment. It also proposes a clear response to these trends. When governments push for war, the people have to push back. This resistance to war and militarism takes the many forms, including soldiers refusing illegal orders or deployments, conscientious objection, desertion, and counter-recruitment. The second volume, WAR FREE SCHOOLS: A Handbook for Counter- Recruitment in Canada, is a how-to guide for students in high schools, colleges, and universities, as well as others who are interested in organizing against military recruiters.

pdf WAR FREE SCHOOLS: A Handbook for Counter Recruitment in Canada. Volume II (Archived) Popular

By 8665 downloads

War Free Schools IIThe WAR FREE SCHOOLS organizing kit includes two volumes. WAR FREE SCHOOLS: The Rise of the Counter-Recruitment Movement debunks the myths about the military actions Canada is engaged in and places them in the context of rising tuition fees and military recruitment. It also proposes a clear response to these trends. When governments push for war, the people have to push back. This resistance to war and militarism takes the many forms, including soldiers refusing illegal orders or deployments, conscientious objection, desertion, and counter-recruitment. The second volume, WAR FREE SCHOOLS: A Handbook for Counter- Recruitment in Canada, is a how-to guide for students in high schools, colleges, and universities, as well as others who are interested in organizing against military recruiters.

pdf Winning the Peace QR Code Table Topper Popular

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Winning the Peace QR Code Table Topper

Place this letter size document in a plexiglass document holder as a tabling display and youth can scan with their cell phones to direct them to the winningthepeace.org mobile phone version.

You can order a freestanding plexiglass document holder from Dazzling Displays or find one in your local office supply store.

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.



This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues connected with militarism and resistance. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Contact NNOMY


The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.
admin@nnomy.org  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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