Behind Enemy Lines
Organization: Behind Enemy Lines
Address: no address given
City: Chicago
State: Illinois
Zipcode: 60601
Phone: None given
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Organizational Website:
Organizational Blog: None given
Community Discussion List: None given
Twitter: None given
YouTube: None given
Wikipedia: None given
Scope of organization:
- Local
This organization is a:
- Counter-recruitment project of a larger, multi-issue organization
Organization base:
- Non-student community based
Outreach to specific communities:
- African American
- Arab
- LatinX
Issues you are working on:
- High School JROTC
- General counter-recruitment/Truth in Recruitment youth education
Years in Operation: 2 to 5 years
Summary describing your organization: The empire is the enemy. From the belly of the beast, we choose to resist it.
Contact Person: Michael Boyte
Located in: midwest-region

Revised 03/02/2024 - GDG