NEWS from the NNOMY Network 3-5-11
Please use the NNOMY CONTACT FORM 0n the NNOMY website to keep us aware of the latest news from your organization so we can share it with the national network.
Historic Peace Churches Meet in Santo Domingo
From at least 17 countries, 75 representatives of the Brethren, Mennonite, and Friends traditions gathered this week to share life experiences and peace experiments in four languages (Kreyol, Spanish, Portguese, English).
New Windsor, MD: Read more on OEP Website
Why Bradley Manning is fighting for his sanity
For the past seven months, 22-year-old US Army Private Bradley Manning, first in an army prison in Kuwait, now in the brig in Quantico, Virginia, has been held 23 hours out of 24 in solitary confinement in his cell, under constant harassment.
New York , N Y: Read more on Citizen Soldier Website
President Obama: Peace in Afghanistan and Pakistan!
The Obama Administration has entered into direct, secret talks with senior Afghan Taliban leaders...Without a shift in your policy, it is hard to imagine the same kind of movement will develop to support your re-election campaign.
Silver Spring, MD: Read more on the Peace Action Website
After defeat of the DREAM Act
The American Friends Service Committee is disappointed that the United States Senate did not improve and pass the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM Act.)
Philadelphia, PA: Read more on the AFSC Website
CCW on the Radio: Listen to Interview Here
J.E. McNeil, executive director of the Center on Conscience & War, was interviewed and will be featured on the radio show “Culture Shocks” with Barry Lynn. She spoke about the work that Center does with conscientious objectors (COs) to war in the military. She also talked about the recent approval of Michael Izbicki’s CO claim from the Navy
Washington, D.C.: Read more at Center on the Conscience & War Website
March 8, we will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day
We are partnering with Women for Women International in an international “Join me on the Bridge” campaign to link women in war-torn countries with women around the world.
San Francisco, CA: Read more on the CodePink Website