NEWS from the NNOMY Network 4-06-11
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American Friends Service Committee/Atlanta
SCAP Brings Non-Military Options to Stephenson High. We had hundreds of students come talk to us through the course of the fair. Students explored ways to serve their country, travel the world, find adventure, get money for college, develop artistic skills, and other job skills training without out having to join the military.
Atlanta, Georgia: Read more on American Friends Service Committee/Atlanta Website
Mid-South Peace and Justice Center/ Memphis
"Hey, hey. Stop it," said protestors as they were pulled by their feet out of the meeting. The protestors were hauled to jail. The six Memphians arrested were part of a group in Nashville to talk to lawmakers about labor bills.
Jacob Flowers, of the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center in Memphis, says lawmakers kept stalling.
Memphis, Tennessee: Read the story and view the video from News Channel 3
Brooklyn For Peace/ New York
Condemn Repression in Bahrain. We call on the U.S. government to condemn unequivocally the actions of the Bahrain government. President Obama’s refusal to condemn explicitly the government’s violence is telling. It is morally and politically inadequate simply to urge restraint on both sides.We call on the U.S. government to cut off all aid to Bahrain.
Brooklyn, New York City: Read more on the Brooklyn For Peace Website
The World Can't Wait/ New York City
Are the U.S. Wars on the Middle East Wrong Because They Cost so Much? Or are they just wrong, immoral, unjust, and against humanity's interests? U.S. occupations, bombs, and secret operations have wreaked havoc in the Middle East since 2001, sold to the public on the basis of being in the “United States' national interest.”.
New York City, New York: Read more on the World Can't Wait Website
War Resisters' International/ London
With more than US$4 billion dollars spent every year to enable these and other types of military recruiting practices to occur in and around public high schools it may be easy for one to think that this encroachment goes unchecked and unchallenged. The reality is that one of the fastest growing movements has been the counter-recruitment/truth-in-recruitment movement that got a big nudge at the onset of the US invasion of Iraq.
London , Great Britain: Read more at the War Resisters' International Website