Profiles for People of Color in the U.S. Military 2020-2021
At the end of 2020, the Defense Department’s Diversity and Inclusion Board released a report aimed at identifying ways to improve racial and ethnic diversity in the U.S. military. Among the report’s ...
Draft registration demands resistance
June 10, 2021 / Ethan Foote / Waging Nonviolence - Some time around my eighteenth birthday, I received a letter in the mail from the Selective Service System informing me of my legal obligation to ...
Too Fat To Fight? Obesity, Bio-Politics and the Militarization of Children’s Bodies
From: McSorley, K. (ed.) (2012) War and the Body: militarization, practice and experience - London: Routledge Joseph Burridge and Kevin McSorley - The United States military stands ready to protect ...
House Hearing on Selective Service
May 19, 2021 / Edward Hasbrouck / - A House Armed Service Committee (HASC) hearing on May 19th heard from witnesses on only one side of the debate over whether to end draft registration ...
‘Selective Service Repeal Act’ Introduced in Congress
16/04.2021 / Edward Hasbrouck / - The Selective Service Repeal Act of 2021 (H.R. 2509 and S. 1139) was introduced in Congress on April 14th 2021 with bipartisan support in both the House ...
The NDAA for 2021 expands the programs of the Pentagon in our public schools
Gary Ghirardi / NNOMY - A not surprising but concerning feature of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act is the doubling of the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps in our public schools and ...
Selective Service Registration Deserves a Full Hearing in Congress
Español / March 2, 2021 / Edward Hasbrouck / Counterpunch - A Supreme Court case challenging the requirement for men, but not women, to register with the Selective Service System for a possible ...
Social Media Outreach In this digital age, we are now firmly in an ongoing and evolving time where social media communications is an essential communication framework for current ...
Peace Churches in the Orbit of Youth Demilitarization Activism
Gary Ghirardi / NNOMY – In my years working as a communications consultant to counter-recruitment organizations, now approaching twenty years for the summer of 2021, I have experienced personally ...
Supreme Court asked to review Constitutionality of current male-only draft registration requirement
Español / Edward Hasbrouck / - On January 8, 2021 the National Coalition For Men, a men’s rights organization represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, petitioned the U.S. ...