Tough Times for Military Recruiting
How COVID-19 is impacting the Delayed Entry Program and threatening the health of recruits. By Pat Elder / National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth, NNOMY - June 8, 2020 - Read the ...
Why We Still Need a Movement to Keep Youth From Joining the Military
Elizabeth King /Article Originally appeared in In These Times web edition in June 2019 - A scrappy counter-recruitment movement is trying to starve the military of labor. Out of the spotlight, ...
America's Heroes are always those who are expendable
Gary Ghirardi | OpEd | June 2020 -Back in May of 2020, I caught an interview on Pacifica's KPFK radio on a morning program where a young woman was explaining the loss of her aunt that was a nurse ...
Rick Jahnkow / Demilitarize Our Schools - Legislation has recently been suggested that, among other things, would greatly expand the number of JROTC units and make military recruiting a more ...
National Commission Says Expand Draft Registration to Include Women
By Edward Hasbrouck / / COMD - On March 25, the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service (NCMNPS), after a three-year charade of stage-managed and largely ...
Toxic Problems for Military Recruiters
Gary Ghirardi, OpEd - A campaign by the Earth Democracy Project of the U.S. Section of the Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, has given an additional argument to Truth in Recruitment ...
News Advisory: Anti-draft activists call on Congress to end draft registration in response to court case on the Selective Service System and report of National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service.
As Congress prepares to debate the issue of the military draft, anti-draft activists are calling on Congress to enact legislation to end draft registration entirely. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ...
Facing falling enlistment numbers, the U.S. Army takes a new approach to recruitment: Mom and Dad
Nicole Goodkind / Fortune - Gone are the days when the United States Army plastered airwaves with recruitment advertisements that includes photographs of younger males parachuting out of Apaches, ...
Understanding the South's unequal contribution of military recruits
by Rolando Zenteno / Facing South - Since the U.S. ended the draft in 1973, young adults from Southern states* have been overrepresented among new military recruits. In fact, the region has been in ...
Army recruitment today is less "Be all you can be" and more "Call of Duty"
Taylor Allen / Colorado Public Radio - The main source of light in this dim, warehouse-sized room in suburban Denver comes from rows of screens. Each panel shows fast-paced military action — ...