Who Follows NNOMYpeace on Twitter?


About Face: Veterans Against the War
Follows you
About Face: Veterans Against the War’s mission is to mobilize the military community against militarism at home & abroad. #DropTheMIC #VetsVsHate RT / endorse

Alan P
 Follows you
 Iraq Veteran / Purple Heart / Electoral Strategist @commondefense
 / DM about our endorsement program #VetsAgainstTr

Andrew Rogers
Follows you
Direct-marketing creative director fundraising for charities
Liberal Studies post-Master's student
Research focus: #EvaGoreBooth

Antimilitaristes MOC
 Follows you
 Autoorganización, noviolencia y desobediencia civil desde 1977 por un mundo sin ejércitos, militarismo y violencias

Ankur Patel (NNOMY Strategy Summit Participant)

 Follows you
 From The Valley, Los Angeles. Teacher. Learner. Politico. Hindu. Almost Vegan.

Berkshire Citizens (NNOMY Network Member)
 Follows you
 Berkshire Citizens for Peace and Justice is a group of neighbors committed to reducing violence and growing peace in the Berkshires, since 2002.

BillScheurer (NNOMY Steering Committee Member)
 Follows you
 peacebuilder, writer & social entrepreneur | creative, caring, curious

Bonnie J Caracciolo (NNOMY Social Media Intern)
 Follows you
 If being against war is a crime, consider me a career criminal.

Brethren OPP
 Follows you
 This is the Twitter feed for the Church of the Brethren Office of Peacebuilding and Policy. Seeking to Live the Peace of Jesus Publicly.

 Follows you
 Local affiliate of  a long term mvt 4 justice & peace through #ActiveNonviolence #HTX #WagePeace JOIN US: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chantál Noir
 Follows you
 Activism-Political Commentator- Intersectional-Feminism-Human Rights-Fighting 4 A Free & Civil Society

Folllows You
 END US Endless wars. Dissent is patriotic. #RESIST #NODRONES Hampshire College/Yale Div/Smith SSW

 Follows you
 News director for the Church of the Brethren, ordained minister, writer and reader, follower of Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace

Chicago Committee Against War and Racism
Follows you
The Chicago Committee Against War & Racism is an anti-war and anti-racism grassroots movement.

Chicago VFP
 Follows you
 ChicagoVFP is working to educate all on the epidemic of militarization, especially the youth. http://EducationNotMilitarization.org

Chris Lombardi
 Follows you
 Incorrigible writer, she/her/youse.  Board member @CCW4COs
 Author I AIN'T MARCHING @thenewpress
 Disabled 35 yrs fr MS.

 Follows you
 The Center of International Humanitarian Law & Human Rights. This vision is summarized by targeting keeping  the human dignity

 Follows you
 LMSW who loves music, libraries, corgis and a certain sweet ginger. Always learning. Happiest outdoors. Lucky mom to two fine young men. Proud U-M alum!

Crash-Test Dummy
 Follows you
 Public school teacher • Cold War veteran • Classical scholar • Quaker by convincement • He/him/h

 Follows you
 We are 50+ people from across the US who walked from Savannah to St. Mary’s, GA Sept 4-14 2018 in support of  Onward to disarmament! Join us!

Doyle Canning for Congress OR-04
 Follows you
 Mom. Climate Activist. Progressive Leader. Dem Candidate for Congress, #OR04. Accepting $0 in corporate cash, #nofossilmoney, and fighting for Oregonians!

 Dr. Alice LoCicero
 Follows you
 Researcher, Author, Professor, Advocate for Peace. Paradigm Shift

Democratic-Socialist Candidate for Congress-CD #1
 Follows you
 Progressive-Commited Democratic-Socialist Candidate for Congress - CD1 - Nevada, '20 #BlackLivesMatter
 #Reparations #med4all #humanrights #AbolishICE #UBI #BDS

DSA Veterans Working Group
 Follows you
 Veterans Working Group helps veterans/adjacent connect with communities and each other to organize for democratic socialism ES: @VeteranxsDSA

Edward Hasbrouck (NNOMY Network Member)
 Follows you
 The Practical Nomad. Author, journalist, consumer advocate, bicyclist, consultant to the Identity Project on travel-related human r ights. Signal +1-415-824-0214

 Follows you
 capacity building, civic engagement and participatory process, cross-regional cooperation. YOUTH! join our network.

 Fortress On A Hill
 Follows you
 Military / veteran news and analysis. Hosted by Chris 'Henri' Henrikson, Danny Sjursen, and Keagan Miller. 

 Green Party of Washington
 Follows you
 Welcome to our party. You've made the right choice.

Hannah Brock Womack
 Tweets about Quakers, Sheffield, antimilitarism and the like - #faithfullyLGBT - she/her
 Quaker Voluntary Action

 Follows you
 Pediatrician fighting nuclear power, nuclear war and global warming because the earth is in the ICU. http://ifyoulovethisplanet.org

Here...right matters. ~Lt. Col. Vindman
 Follows you
 Mom | Wife | CA Native |
 #GoHawks #12thMan #TheResistance #FBR #GunControl #VoteBlueNoMatterWho #Medicare4All

 Follows you
 She/Her/Hers; #Resistance; Feminist; I Hate Trump; love BtVS; Pissed off continuously; #LFG

  follows you
 #Bernie2020 Artist, crafter, mother, introvert, citizen for peace, justice and liberty for all with an oversized sweet tooth.

 Follows you
 Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) is a non-governmental organization whose mandate is to put an end to war and restore world peace.

ILPS Commission10
 Follows you
 Commission on rights of indigenous peoples, national minorities, oppressed nationalities and nations of the International League of People's Struggle (ILPS).

 Waving black flag
 Follows you
 vegan sober queer trans prison abolitionist. book lover and big hugger. Quaker & femme
John M Miller
 Follows you
 Coordinator. Member @resistwar
 National Committee. WRL rep to @warresistersint
 Support #justiceforTimor Sign ETAN's petition: http://bit.ly/justice4timor

 jonah walters
 Follows you
 researcher @jacobinmag
 and itinerant grad student. writing about workers' co-ops in Nicaragua, incarceration in PA, socialism. jonahisaac [at] gmail.

 Jordan Wade He/Him
 Follows you
 Left Wing Activist/Anarchist trying to make the world a better place by trying to start the revolution

 Follows you
 she/her|#antifascist|#writer|#veteran|former #SAPro #HigherEd|Solidarity at Stewart Detention Center|Animal shelter worker|#OrganizeTheSouth|Probably Tired
Julie Levine
 Follows you
 I am an activist for peace, justice and the planet. #blacklivesmatter
 #fracking #TortureReport #CitizensUnited #GetMoneyOut #reclaimmlk #Million

Kathy Kelly
 American Peace Acrivist
 Voices for Creative Nonviolence

Katy Purviance
  Follows you
  I teach English with drawings and stories. Child Advocate. Critical Educator. MA TESOL - US licensed in ElemEd, ESL, & English

Kroc Institute
 Follows you
 Focused on understanding the causes of violent conflict and strategies for building peace. Undergrad, master's, & Ph.D. programs. @ University of Notre Dame
Leah Bolger
 Follows you
 Retired military officer, now full-time anti-war activist. Rabble rouser.
LEPOCO Peace Center  (NNOMY Network Member)
 Follows you
 LEPOCO is a non-profit citizens group in the Lehigh Valley area of eastern Pennsylvania with a shared vision that we can build a sane and more just world.

6 years US Army / 6 year PaNG, OIF, UCCS grad, progressive, peace activist, solar energy consultant, #vetsagainsttrump #BLM #endforeverwars #justtransition

March on the Pentagon
 Follows you
 Are you outraged yet??? Join us live on 3/15/2020 to discuss the impact of US sanctions on response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Margaret Flowers
 Follows you
 Pediatrician, advocate for single payer health care and justice. Co-director Popular Resistance, co-host Clearing the FOG and former candidate for US Senate.

Melissa March
 Follows you
 Labour Cllr for Knighton. CEO @Learning4thAge
. Proud parent. Reluctant runner. Learner gardener. Coffee powered. Optimist. The juggle is real.

MFSO (NNOMY steering committee member)
 Follows you
 Support Our Troops - Bring Them Home Now, & Take Care Of Them When They Get Here! MFSO is an organization of military families founded in 2001.

Michael T McPhearson
 Follows you
 U.S. Army CPT Vet former Director of Veterans For Peace Human rights & anti-war activist Work in many movements including the movement for Black Lives

 Follows you
 The Mechanism of Search for Peace and Development initiative: is a Regional movement for peace and securit7

Michelle Alissa Cohen (NNOMY Network Member)
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Adult school teacher, opposer of militarism and environmental destruction. Public education, workers' rights & #GreenNewDeal supporter.

Mutya Baleleng
 Follows you
 Mindanao-born. Now in Burundi as Peacebuilding Coordinator for @mccorg
 Alumni of @KrocInstitute & @CoadyStFx
 Interests: peacebuilding and program management.

NAPF New York
 Follows you
 Our mission is to educate, advocate and inspire action for a just and peaceful world, free of nuclear weapons.

 Intellectual Twitter
 United States Defens

No Foreign Military Bases
 Follows you
 Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases has been organized by thirteen prominent peace, justice and environmental organizations in the U.S.

 Follows you
 NoMAS, No Miramar Air Show!

No Name
 Follows you
 Iranian-American | Photographer | Leftist | Immigrant | Father | Podcast addict

Nonviolence 3.0
 Follows you
 Blog exploring the evolving methods of activism. The focus is on creative strategies and tactics that can create social change. See also — http://fragmentsweb.org

Nonviolence News edited by Rivera Sun
 Follows you
 All the Nonviolence News that's fit to print! Gathered by Editor @RiveraSunAuthor
 Sign up for our weekly email at: http://nonviolencenews.org/email-list/

 Follows you
 Committed to achieving a world free from nuclear weapons, by getting the US and other nuclear nations to sign, ratify, and implement the Nuclear Ban Treaty.

Pace e Bene
 Follows you
 Dignity, Peace and Justice for All!

Pat Elder
 Follows you
 Writer, Civilian Exposure, http://civilianexposure.org http://worldbeyondwar.org http://studentprivacy.org http://counter-recruit.org https:militarypoisons.org

PAT Solidarity
 Follows you
 Parents, students & community in solidarity with Portland Association of Teachers fighting for the Schools all Portland Students Deserve! RTs not endorsements.

Peace Development Fund
 Follows you
 The Peace Development Fund is a public foundation that makes grants to grassroots organizations to foster human rights and social justice.

 Quaker House (NNOMY Network Member)
 Follows you
 Quaker House provides support to service members and families and advocates for greater peace.

 F ollows you
 anti-militarism nat organizer
  member of
Rick Staggenborg, MD
 Follows you
 Former VA psychiatrist and founder of Soldiers For Peace International, a virtual Army helping to create a united international front against fascism and war.

Rivera Sun
 Follows you
 Red hair, friend of mystics, author 9 plays, 14 books, lives in an Earthship in desert, grows tomatoes, bakes bread, drinks tea, writes about love & revolution.

Follows you
#communitytransport, gay, LGBTI, HIV poz, NZ, Sydney, #MaaS, green, disability, reconciliation advocate, he/his, activist, post Christian

 Follows you
 the college of wooster does not pay its hourly employees livable wages or allow them the right to dissent

 Follows you
 Scotland Against Militarism: a radical campaign to oppose militarism & work towards a full ban of the military in education. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SDSA Anti-War Caucus
 Follows you
 The Seattle DSA Anti-war Caucus opposes U.S. militarism and works to build an anti-imperialist movement within DSA, the broader left, and the public at large

 Follows you
 #GreenParty chapter meets 3rd Sunday each month, usually Ivoryton Library

Socialist Voice
 Follows you
 Democratic Socialist | Social Justice & Disability Rights | Environmentalist
 Earth globe europe-africa | Brexit | LGBTQI+ | #FreePalestine | #NHSHeroes

Science for the People 
 Follows you
 SftP is a science-activist organization dedicated to building a radical political movement in science and society.

Stop Fuelling War
 Follows you
 Campaign countering the arms fair in Paris. La résistance au salon de l'armement a Paris. Français. English.

The Boys Who Said NO!
 Follows you
 A documentary film in production on the impact of draft resistance on ending the Vietnam War. Directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Judith Ehrlich.

The People’s Church
 Follows you
 Interfaith+Ecumenical Community engaging in #SacredActivism Spiritual Support for targeted communities We meet online/in the streets: Fndr/Pastor: @RevJerryHTX

  Follows you
  USAF Retiree/27 YRs Active & Reserve/Disabled Veteran/Democratic Progressive Liberal/ #RESIST #JoeBiden2020 #VoteDemocratic2020 #VoteBLUE2020

TulsaPeaceFellowship (NNOMY Network Member)
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 The activist wing of the peace movement in Tulsa and all Eastern Oklahoma.

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The United Food and Commercial Workers is a family of hard-working men and women building a better life together, serving  their communities. #union #retail
 Follows you
 An International Development Organisation working for Global peace and harmony through its 4D awareness raising campaign. For more info http://unitingforpeace.com
The "US Peace Registry," a publication of the US Peace Memorial Foundation @USPeaceMemorial
honors Americans who stand for peace and work to end wars.

Utah Peace Network
 Follows you
 Without Justice, there is no Peace.

USAF Retiree/27 YRs Active & Reserve/Disabled Veteran/Democratic Progressive Liberal/ #RESIST #JoeBiden2020 #VoteDemocratic2020 #VoteBLUE2020@USPeaceRegistry
 The "US Peace Registry," a publication of the US Peace Memorial Foundatio@USPeaceMemorial

Vets4Peace Corvallis (NNOMY Network Member)
 Follows you
 VP Linus Pauling Chapter 132, Corvallis, Oregon; Waging peace in the Willamette Valley since 2006.

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VFP LA is an organization of military Veterans & allies dedicated to building a culture of peace by using our experiences and lifting our voices.

Veterans For Peace Chapter 180
 Follows you
 Fresno, Ca Chapter of Veterans For Peace

VFP DeKalb Chapter
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 Chapter 179 in #DeKalb-#Sycamore, #Illinois. #Veterans promoting #Peace, #Unity, #PeaceForTheWorld and we are #VetsVsHate. #ProudlyDeKalb #IL

Warren Democrats Abroad
 Follows you
 We will persist. Thank you Elizabeth Warren.

Win Without War
 Follows you
 We're a national leader in the fight to promote a more progressive national security strategy.

Womens International League for Peace & Freedom, US Section
 Follows you
 Promoting #peace and opposing militarization since 1915. More info@ http://wilpfus.org
 Follows you
 A global movement to end all war.


  https://twitter.com/nnomynetwork@nnomynetwork |



The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.



This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues connected with militarism and resistance. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Contact NNOMY


The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.
admin@nnomy.org  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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