Organization: 808truth2youth |
Address: 2426 Oʻahu Avenue
City: Honolulu
State: Hawaii
Zipcode: 96822
Phone: +1 808-822-7646
Organizational Website: 808truth2youth.org/
Facebook: @808Truth2Youth
Instagram: 808truth2youth
YouTube: 808Truth2Youth
Scope of organization:
- Regional
This organization is a:
- Organization with Counter-recruitment as a major component
Organization base:
- Nonstudent community based
Outreach to specific communities:
- Pacific Islander
Issues you are working on:
- Alternatives to the military
- Developing Curricula/Educational Materials
- General counter-recruitment/Truth in Recruitment youth education
Years in Operation: 11-20 years
Summary describing your organization: 808truth2youth is a project of Hawaii Peace and Justice, giving Hawaii youth the chance to learn more about military service than what they will hear from their local recruiter. 808truth2youth provides environmentally and socially sustainable options for our youg people to serve country and humanity, and has done so since 2012. We have a guide to degree programs, and realistic advice for how to pay for them, that prepare for careers in conflict resolution and diplomacy. We are hopeful that when the Trump era ends and the hollowed out State Department, and diplomacy, are restored, any Hawai`i high school student today can pursue and achieve a rewarding and good paying job, making the world a safer place. We have a guide to trade occupations that don’t require a college degree, and how much they pay, and encouraging and realistic facts about college, even if grades are not so good. On our People You Know page, fourteen successful young adults explain the path that took them from high school to where they are now. 808truth2youth is meant to be a learning tool for young people to see now and revisit at a time later when important life decisions are being considered.
Contact Person: Kyle Kajihiro & Kip Goodwin
Located in: west-region
Revised 09/03/2022