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Across the U.S., anti-war veterans and their allies are working together in an effort to stop the U.S. military from reaching its recruitment goals, writes Ruben Abrahams Brosbe.
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The branches of the U.S. military have long seen high schools as optimal recruiting grounds. Some veterans are beginning to fight the propaganda and tell students the truth about military service.
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Military recruiters count on economic hardship to lure young people of color to sign up. Counter-recruiters are working hard to thwart their efforts.
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The Pentagon currently spends around $1.4 billion per year on recruiting and hundreds of millions annually on other marketing initiatives intended to convince the public to enlist-costly efforts to ensure a steady stream of new soldiers. The most important part of this effort is the Pentagon's decades-long drive to win over the teenage mind by establishing a beachhead in American high schools and colleges.
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I received an invitation from Rachel Brunke, a newly joined steering committee member of NNOMY and an organizer for Codepink San Pedro, to come up from our office in San Diego and participate in their Peace Week activities during the Memorial Day weekend.
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The number of sailors who deserted the Navy more than doubled from 2019 to 2021, while desertions in other military branches dropped or stayed flat, pointing to a potential Navy-wide mental health crisis amid a spate of recent suicides, according to experts and federal statistics obtained by NBC News.
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With pandemic restrictions easing, military recruiters are returning to high school campuses while anti-recruitment efforts struggle
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Air Force veteran Eddie Falcon enlisted as a teenager just before the September 11 attacks, partly to escape his violent Los Angeles County neighborhood. “I just didn’t see a lot of opportunities to succeed,” he said. Falcon assumed war “wasn’t something we were doing anymore.”
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Inside the fight against JROTC, a Pentagon program that targets working-class teenagers at public schools.
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“As students were coming out of classrooms, [recruiters] would be by the door waiting for them."
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‘Countering the militarisation of youth’ is a huge, complex topic and one of WRI’s major areas of work. In making this resource, we set out to investigate one part of this activism: campaigns to counter the recruitment of young people by armed forces and armed groups.
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“Toward What Ends? A Critical Analysis of Militarism, Equity, and STEM Education”, authored by Shirin Vossoughi and Sepehr Vakil, describes the parallel tracks of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) as a way to find technologically- adept recruits for the military, and to promote equity and diversity among students in public schools.
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Young Marines recite the Pledge of Allegiance during the opening of their annual ball at their local VFW, 21 Oct 2017, Hanover, PA. Students attend with their families and close friends to celebrate the accomplishments of their fellow cadets. The Young Marines are a non-profit organization with around 10,000 students enrolled nationwide. The program runs year-long, with meetings once a week.
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Cadet Private First-Class Nik Cruz was talking to America when he posted his photos on Instagram. Nik takes us inside his world. He wanted us to see his development from a fairly normal kid to a serial killer.
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Military Recruiting in the United States provides a fearless and penetrating description of the deceptive practices of the U.S. military as it recruits American youth into the armed forces.
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A call to respond to the state of militarization of American society and even more so in American high schools by The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth.
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This book describes the various tactics used in counter-recruitment, drawing from the words of activists and case studies of successful organizing and advocacy. The United States is one of the only developed countries to allow a military presence in public schools, including an active role for military recruiters. In order to enlist 250,000 new recruits every year, the US military must market itself to youth by integrating itself into schools through programs such as JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps), and spend billions of dollars annually on recruitment activities.
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As a journalist and researcher, I’ve spent the last several years investigating the expanding network of links between public education and the U.S. military. With my colleague Scott Harding, I’ve also been researching the grassroots response to this phenomenon: the counter-recruitment movement.
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For more than forty years, parents, teachers, veterans, and community activists have engaged in grassroots resistance to the military's presence in schools.
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Celebrating and Carrying On John Judge’s Legacy, Remarks delivered at the Celebration of the Life of John Patrick Judge
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Just about everyone views the National Rifle Association as the leading champion of gun culture in the United States. When there is a mass shooting — even one as outrageous as the attack at Sandy Hook Elementary — we have learned to expect the NRA to uncompromisingly oppose any government response that would limit the rights of gun owners.
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Despite 2005 being the start of a second presidential term for George W. Bush, this year may bring together a number of factors that will offer the antiwar movement an important opportunity to shorten the US occupation of Iraq and begin to reverse the decades-long growth of militarism in this country.
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"It is our view that military enlistment puts youth, especially African American youth, at special risk, not only for combat duty, injury and fatality, but for military discipline and less than honorable discharge, which can ruin their chances for employment once they get out. There are other options available to them."