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Assuming veterans for peace is required, and with Articles as Type , and with Articles as Category , the following results were found.

  • Veterans for Peace Call for an End to NATO

    Veterans for Peace works for the abolition of war, and while that process will take many steps, one that should be taken immediately is the dissolution of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO has always been a war-making institution lacking in...

  • Los Angeles High School Peace Clubs Gather for Armistice Day Commemoration

    What is Armistice Day? After World War I ended, nations mourned their dead and called for an end to all wars. Armistice, (a peace treaty), was signed, and bells tolled to celebrate the end of war. Thus, Nov. 11 th became Armistice Day, “a day to be...

  • Groups Associated to NNOMY Issue Calls for a Ceasefire in Gaza

    Though the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth cannot speak for the network in its entirety, some of the organizations that are listed in our National Directory of Youth Demilitarization Groups have called for a ceasefire in the...

  • Education Action: Reining in Military Recruiting

    Seth Kershner - In 2012, Kate Connell—a photographer with two children in the Santa Barbara public schools—learned that her son’s freshman seminar had a Marine recruiter as a guest speaker. Her son had challenged the recruiter, saying he didn’t like...

  • How to start a Peace Club in your local Schools Pat Alviso / Military Families Speak Out - This information is written for peace activists who want to facilitate a peace club in their local high school. The information it contains is based on years of experience...

  • Teaching Against Cultural Militarization Introduction In the United States of America, we are a people at war with the world and ourselves June 2022 / Gary David Ghirardi & Various Sources / NNOMY - It is the summer of 2022 and the country is reeling with the...

  • NNOMY at the 2017 VFP Education Not Militarization Convention in Chicago

    The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth will be participating in the 2017 Veterans For Peace National Convention in Chicago August 11th, 2017. Located at the beautiful and historic Palmer House Hotel, veterans and allies will gather...

  • NNOMY Conducts National Steering Committtee retreat online to explore strategies for network's future

    12/28/2021 / NNOMY Steering Committee - On December 11th 2021 The Steering Committee of the National Network Opposing the Militarization conducted an online national retreat on Zoom to discuss the existential challenges that the network is encountering...

  • JROTC Wants to Invade Hundreds More Schools

    Sam Diener - JROTC, a high school program to militarize youth in high schools, has already invaded almost 3400 schools. Peacework has learned that Congress passed a little-noticed measure in the 2009 National Defense Authorization bill to expand the...

  • This Ex–Army Ranger Goes on Missions to High Schools—but Not to Recruit

    Rory Fanning - For a decade, Afghanistan vet Rory Fanning has been battling the desire to inflict pain on himself. Instead, he visits schools. Early each New Year’s Day I head for Lake Michigan with a handful of friends. We look for a quiet stretch of...

  • Secretive Pentagon Spy Unit: Closed or Outsourced?

    April 4, 2008 / Tom Burghardt / Antifascist Calling - The New York Times reported Wednesday that the Pentagon is “expected to shut a controversial intelligence office that has drawn fire from lawmakers and civil liberties groups who charge that it was...

  • Despoja "Tu cuerpo" de la Máquina de guerra - in English CODEPINK, en asociación con una serie de grupos de paz y desarme, ha lanzado una campaña de desinversión para alentar a las universidades, organizaciones religiosas, fondos de jubilación, fondos mutuos,...

  • Report from the National Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Strategy Summit

    Rick Jahnkow - The Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft During the weekend of June 23-24, 2018, a group of 28 activists gathered in Chicago to share the knowledge and lessons they have learned from organizing to counter the militarization of...

  • Trump's Austerity Budget Increases Military Recruiters' Power to Prey on Youth

    Sarah Jaffe | Originally published in Truthout - March 24, 2017 Donald Trump's budget slashes social programs while inflating an already massive military budget, meaning that for many people in already underserved and underemployed communities, the...

  • The Defector

    How Rory Fanning went from Army Ranger to war resister (and counter-recruiter). August 19, 2019 / Alex N. Press / Jacobin - In a high school classroom on the South Side of Chicago, Rory Fanning is telling students about the time he and his fellow Army...

  • Peace Week for Fleet Week Los Angeles 2022

    March 31 2022 / Gary Ghirardi / NNOMY - I received an invitation from Rachel Brunke, a newly joined steering committee member of NNOMY and an organizer for Codepink San Pedro, to come up from our office in San Diego and participate in their Peace Week...

  • Salir del programa de ingreso postergado (DEP) | English DEP: Simplemente no vayas El Programa de Ingreso Postergado también se denomina Programa de Futuros Soldados en el Ejército. Las personas que ingresan al servicio activo deben alistarse primero en el DEP....

  • America’s Child Soldiers JROTC and the Militarizing of America

    08/09/2021 / Ann Jones / Tom Dispatch - Congress surely meant to do the right thing when, in the fall of 2008, it passed the Child Soldiers Prevention Act (CSPA). The law was designed to protect kids worldwide from being forced to fight the wars of Big...

  • Thanks for Your Service, but Don't Tell the Kids About It (We Need Them to Enlist)

    Emily Yates | Originally published in Truthout - "Excuse me, are you saying negative things about the military?" The question came over my right shoulder, from a well-dressed woman whose nametag proclaimed her to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce...

  • Dismantling the School-to-Soldier Pipeline

    AN INTERVIEW WITH Nancy Cruz, Barbara Harris, Rick Jahnkow, and Seth Kershner | Originally Published in Jacobin Magazine on October 18, 2019 SK The National Defense Act of 1916 created the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (rotc), which operates at the...

  • The Military’s View of Counter-recruitment

    Seth Kershner - Over the past few years, my colleague Scott Harding and I have been chronicling the counter-recruitment movement from the perspective of activists. In this article, I’ll take a different approach and focus on counter-recruitment as...

  •  These Grannies Are Helping to Plug the School-to-Military Pipeline at Its Source

    Joyce Chu - When teachers are underpaid and schools are underserved, why do we pay veterans to encourage young students to join the military? On a Wednesday afternoon last month, a group of gray-haired women with canes and Styrofoam guns lined the...

  • Bringing Truth to the Youth: The Counter-Recruitment Movement, Then and Now

    Emily Yates | Originally published in Truthout - July 16, 2016 "Back when we started, recruiters were just blatantly lying to the kids," said Susan Quinlan, the co-founder and volunteer coordinator of the peace and justice group, Better Alternatives...

  • Why Is My Kindergartner Being Groomed for the Military at School?

    Sarah Grey, Truthout | Report When he got home from Iraq, Hart Viges began sorting through his boyhood toys, looking for some he could pass on to his new baby nephew. He found a stash of G.I. Joes - his old favorites - and the memories came flooding...

Results 1 - 24 of 24

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The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.

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Contact NNOMY


The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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