Profiles for People of Color in the U.S. Military 2020-2021
At the end of 2020, the Defense Department’s Diversity and Inclusion Board released a report aimed at identifying ways to improve racial and ethnic diversity in the U.S. military. Among the report’s findings: The enlisted ranks of the active and reserve military were “slightly more racially and ethnically diverse than its U.S. civilian counterparts.” But not the officer corps. Furthermore, it ...
The US Military Is Using Online Gaming to Recruit Teens
Gamers with the Army, Navy, and Air Force are spending hours on Twitch with children as young as 13. Jordan Uhl / The Nation - Have a nice time getting banned, my dude,” Army recruiter and gamer ...
Latinos and the Military in 2013
Jorge Mariscal - With the beginning of a new year and a second Obama term, it is time once again to take stock of the relationship between the Latino community and the U.S. military. As we outlined ...
Citizenship Thinking of Joining the Military to Gain U.S. Citizenship? Currently, serving in the military can reduce the time before you can apply to become a U.S. citizen. Normally you have to be a ...
Recruiting in Specific Communities
Current Content: Immigrants Citizenship DREAM Act Illegal Immigrants: Uncle Sam Wants You This page is under development. Watch for future content that addresses recruiting of: African Americans ...