Military Presence in Our Schools
Conversation with Rickover Cadets on Facebook
Gary Ghirardi - Rarely do conditions line up like this for NNOMY but a recent article that appeared in Yahoo News about Rickover public military academy, in Chicago, that included an interview with ...
End Game For Corporate School Reform: Privatized Holding Tanks, Remote Ed, Military Charter Schools
Bruce Dixon - Doug Henwood, a radical economist and founder of Left Business Observer, says it as succinctly as anyone when he sums up the goal of bipartisan corporate education reform imposed on ...
Education as Enforcement:Militarization and Corporatization of Schools
Kenneth J. Saltman - Public schools in the United States have increasingly come to resemble the military and prison systems with their hiring of military generals as school administrators and heavy ...
School to Prison Pipeline: Military Influence in Schools
Rebecca Perez - This segment in my series of the School to Prison Pipeline is on the influence that the military has on our school systems. During my research I have found that there are actually ...
WHAT IS IT? The Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) is a military program offered at approximately 3400 high schools around the country.1 Its proponents consider it a “character ...