Tag: counter recruiting essentials
Eliminate Selective Service for Everyone 013
(COPY The Text Below:) Groups ask Supreme Court to declare the all-male military draft unconstitutional Now the Supreme Court, in a case reminiscent of the lawsuits that brought fame to a feminist lawyer named Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is being asked to force the hand of a reticent Congress by declaring the male-only military draft unconstitutional. “The registration requirement is one of the last ...
Eliminate Selective Service for Everyone 012
(To Share copy the text below to share this video in your social media platform:) Women and the Draft: Feminism and Selective Service in the US Video covering the development of the proposal and ...
Eliminate Selective Service for Everyone 011
(COPY The Text Below:) Women’s Draft? Sign Me Up To Abolish War Women’s equality is peace, democracy, economic justice, racial justice, environmental sustainability, restorative justice, ending mass ...
Eliminate Selective Service for Everyone 010
(COPY The Text Below:) Women’s Draft? Sign Me Up To Abolish War According to the new bill, saying this and telling other women not to register for the draft is against the law, but I’ll say these ...
Eliminate Selective Service for Everyone 009
(COPY The Text Below:) Women’s Draft? Sign Me Up To Abolish War I will organize, not just to stop the Women’s Draft, but to abolish war in its entirety. Did Congress think that “women’s equality” ...
Eliminate Selective Service for Everyone 008
(COPY The Text Below:) Congress is getting ready to sneak an expansion of the military draft registration into the next NDAA. If they succeed, young women will be forced to register for the military ...
Eliminate Selective Service for Everyone 007
(COPY The Text Below:) Congress is getting ready to sneak an expansion of the military draft registration into the next NDAA. If they succeed, young women will be forced to register for the military ...
Eliminate Selective Service for Everyone 006
(COPY The Text Below:) A Feminist Perspective on Broadening the Anti-draft Movement -- Ann Wrixon, former staff member of the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors The following is a ...
Eliminate Selective Service for Everyone 005
(COPY The Text Below:) Congress is getting ready to sneak an expansion of the military draft registration into the next NDAA. If they succeed, young women will be forced to register for the military ...
Eliminate Selective Service for Everyone 004
(COPY The Text Below:) Activists fought the US military draft for decades — they may soon have to again You may not have heard about this development because of the avalanche of COVID-19 news. In ...