Jorge Mariscal habla sobre el reclutamiento de latinoamericanos en el ejército de Estados Unidos
Erasmo Magoulas/Rebelión - Entrevista a Jorge Mariscal, activista anti-reclutamiento de la organización YANO (Oportunidades No-militares para los Jóvenes) Los hispanos que optan por alistarse en el ...
How Military Recruiters Pitch to Latinos
Jorge Mariscal - PowerPoint Racism In a 1958 CIA information report on revolutionary activities in Cuba, the agent in charge wrote "Che is fairly intellectual for a Latin." A racist assertion such ...
What Veterans See
Jorge Mariscal - A Country in a Bubble In August of 1945, Ralph Mariscal, Jr., a 23 year-old son of Mexican immigrants and a U.S. Marine, sat waiting off the coast of Japan with thousands of other ...
Growing the Military
Jorge Mariscal - In late December 2006, the Bush administration reversed its previous position and agreed to a permanent expansion of the Army and Marine Corps. In reality, the size of the two ...
Military Recruitment and the Immigration Debate
Jorge Mariscal - In an obscure memoir of the U.S. war in Southeast Asia, an undocumented Mexican who had enlisted in the U.S. Army with the aid of an unscrupulous recruiter, writes: “I realized that ...
Youth Activists Demand Military-Free Schools
Jorge Mariscal - On the weekend of July 17, over 250 activists from across the country converged on Roosevelt University in Chicago for the largest meeting ever of counter-recruitment and ...
Still Waiting, Still DREAMing
Jorge Mariscal with Mónica Jaúregui - For the thousands of young people brought to the United States as children of undocumented immigrant families, a pathway to legalization deferred one more day ...
Fighting the Poverty Draft
Jorge Mariscal - When Boston College student Joe Previtera decided to protest the war in Iraq, he headed to the one place that keeps the war machine well stocked with fuel-his local recruiting ...
The Poverty Draft
Jorge Mariscal - Do military recruiters disproportionately target communities of color and the poor? Recently I stumbled upon an online exchange about why young people join the military. One ...
A Call To All Activists to Shut Down the "Army Experience Center"
Pat Elder - The children of Sparta were drilled in battle using knives and swords. At the Army Experience Center in Philadelphia the same kind of training for warfare is taking place, except ...