Equal access

Recruiter Access

military recruiter access in our schoolsUnder various laws passed by the U.S. Congress (NCLB and the so-called Solomon Amendments), high schools and colleges that receive federal money are required to grant military representatives the same access to schools that is given to employer and college recruiters.

The laws only specify, however, that military representatives must be given the same access. Schools are not obligated, therefore, to grant military recruiters any type or frequency of access that is not enjoyed by college and employment recruiters. In recognition of this equal access mandate, some high school districts have passed policies that limit military recruiters in order to achieve balance.

Many high schools allow recruiters unfettered access to kids. The recruiters are often free to roam the hallways and "chill" with kids. On campus, they may perform the following functions:

  • Career and academic counseling
  • Coaching teams, conditioning athletes
  • Providing interactive recruiting vans with shooting simulators
  • Presentations to the Student Government, PTA and School Board
  • Training the school color guard and facilitating flag raising/Pledge of Allegiance
  • Helping with school registration
  • Assuming a leading role in the homecoming parade
  • Chaperoning at homecoming dance and other dances throughout the year
  • Presenting reactionary views to history and government classes
  • Attending home football games and officiating halftime football ceremonies
  • Timekeeper
  • Recruiter vs. Faculty basketball games
  • On stage at graduation
  • Security -- recruiters carry concealed weapons

Here are some recommended links available to better inform you as a parent. This is a work in progress and NNOMY will be adding new documents as they are prepared and as policies change that effect enlistment. Check back periodically.



Articles on the web:


Revised 10/15/2019

Equal Access

Equal access is a term that can refer to school access given to recruiters, counter-recruiters or students. For information about these different categories of access, use the links below.



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Contact NNOMY


The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.
admin@nnomy.org  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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