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NNOMY on Facebook / Online
NNOMY Peace on Facebook Made new Friends including....
Al Kovnat,Angel Wings , Barbara Ehrenreich , Brad Laird, Brenda Bailey Traylor, Danielle Radicanin, Deanna Lee McGowan, G. Simon Harak, Heather Bricklin, Ken Shipp, Kevin Cummings , Lee Conklin, Mona Shaw , Roland Jesperson , Veterans For-Peace Long-Island and others......
Online: Visit NNOMY Peace on Facebook to see all our Friends
New People who like The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth Facebook Page including....
Peace and Social Justice Ministry - Catholic Diocese of Joliet, Northwest Suburban Peace & Education Project, Buddhist Peace Fellowship of Tampa Bay - Chapter, Tampa Bay Counter Recruitment Coalition, Peace and Social Justice Center of South Central Kansas , Granny Peace Brigade , The Whatcom Peace and Justice Center , Rockland Coalition for Peace and Justice , Massachusetts Peace Action, Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice, AZ Counter-Recruitment Coalition, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, U.S. Section, Institute for Peace and Justice, Peace Action, South Lake Democratic Club, San Diego Friends Center, and others .......
Online: Visit The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth on Facebook to see who likes us
Pablo Paredes / A Dream Deferred , San Francisco
Pintando Verdad contra el Poder
Es un terreno baldío abandonado a tres cuadras de la alcaldía de San Francisco y al lado del edificio de los Amigos (cuáqueros) de San Francisco. Los cuáqueros han tratado de trabajar con la ciudad para crear un jardín comunitario, pero hasta ahora sin resultado. Las agujas usadas, basura, cristales rotos y las viviendas improvisadas de las personas sin hogar, lleno de sueños en la última década.
Esta semana un grupo de jóvenes migrantes con status mixto del proyecto 67 sueños de AFSC, sus amigos, familiares y aliados han estado trabajando duro para transformar este espacio. Desde la limpieza de la basura para la colocar un hermoso mural de unos 100 por 30 pies, cada parte de este mural refleja la experiencia del migrante.
San Francisco, California: Lea más en "A Dream Deferred" Sitio Web
Leah Bolger /Veterans For Peace, National
Why You Won’t See Veterans For Peace on the Cover of TIME Magazine
The cover of the August 29, 2011 issue of TIME magazine features five members of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), with the caption “The New Greatest Generation.” The point of author Joe Klein’s article is that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have created a new kind of veteran who is “bringing skills that seem to be on the wane in American society, qualities we really need now: crisp decision making, rigor, optimism, entrepreneurial creativity, a larger sense of purpose and real patriotism.” Klein profiles a small number of veterans (including a Harvard valedictorian, a Rhodes scholar, and a Dartmouth grad) who have done well since returning to civilian life and credits their military service as the reason, then goes on to make a sweeping generalization that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have created a whole new generation of hard-working, disciplined young citizens who have something “more” to offer than their civilian counterparts.
National / Common Dreams: Read more on the Common Dreams Web site
Stanley Kirshner Breen / Southwest High School, Minneapolis, MN
War and Art: Creativity and Youth In Action
$1,216,539,560,417 or — for those of you who are like me and can’t process numbers instantly in their head — one trillion, two hundred and sixteen billion, five hundred and thirty nine million, five hundred and sixty thousand, four hundred and seventeen dollars. This is the total cost, and rising, of what America has spent on war in the past decade. I think that when people see such a large number as this, they have a hard time connecting it to their lives. So I considered the most important things in my life.
As hard as it is to admit in the middle of summer, school is one of the most influential things in my life. I go to a Minneapolis public school, and the lack of money has been noticeable, mainly in class sizes. While my school has been lucky with funding, I know schools that are not. Schools in the poorer area of the city have had their arts funding cut to where its basically nonexistent. This is terrible! Our taxes are being used to support violence and terror in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet America’s youth don’t have creative outlets in school.
Minneapolis, MN: Read more on the Michael Moore Website
Ernie McCray/ COMD/ San Diego, California
Rekindling the Fire — Now That Would Be Great!
I was asked to see if I could rekindle (though I can barely keep a campfire going) energy for leafleting our high schools with information to help students understand and respond to attempts to militarize them. They encounter this not only in their schools but also in their communities and beyond, as anyone can see in commercials, video games, and every form of media.
Well, it should be obvious that there's a tremendous need for us, especially those of us who dare to refer to ourselves as "community activists." We look out for our children when Uncle Sam comes after them with his zest for war, even though some of the organizations and activities that counter the militarization of young people are shrinking nationwide.
For instance: the American Friends Service Committee no longer has staff in its national office working full time on youth and military recruitment. The work of the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (CCCO) ceased in 2008 when the venerable, decades-old organization folded. And, for a brief while, Project YANO (Youth and Non-Military Opportunities) recently had to cut its sole paid organizer's position to half-time.
San Diego, California: Read more on the Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft Website
Peace Action / Kansas City, Missouri
KC peace activists stand up for democracy in (nonviolent) fight to stop new Bomb factory
Peace Action’s affiliate in the Kansas City area, PeaceWorks Kansas City, is one of the leaders of the struggle to prevent a new factory to build the non-nuclear components for U.S. nuclear weapons. I plan to visit Kansas City in mid-October and hope to be able to learn more and support the cause.
National Peace Action board member Larry Wittner has an article on this struggle on History News Network, and Mother Jones also had a piece on this by Adam Weinstein as well. More soon about how we can all support the KC Peace Planters!
Kansas City, Missouri: Go to the Peace Action Website and give your support , Reported in Mother Jones, In The National Catholic Reporter
The Wilmington Peace Center/ Charlottesville, Virginia
The Military Industrial Complex at 50
A Conference on Moving Money from the Military to Human Needs
September 16-18, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011, at the Haven, 112 W Market Street, Charlottesville, Va. Map.
Saturday and Sunday, September 17 and 18, 2011, at The Dickinson Fine and Performing Arts Center at Piedmont Virginia Community College, 501 County Road 338, Charlottesville, Va. 22902-7589. Map.
Charlottesville, Virginia: Read more at the The Wilmington Peace Group Website