Teen Peace Project
City: Port Townsend
State: Washington
Zipcode: 98368
Phone: 360-379-9094
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Organizational Website: www.teenpeace.org
Organizational Blog: teenpeace.blogspot.com/
Scope of organization:
- National
- Regional
- Local
This organization is a:
- Counter-recruitment Organization
Organization base:
- Student and nonstudent community based
Outreach to specific communities:
- African American
- Asian
- Latino/a
- Native American
Issues you are working on:
- Alternatives to the military
- College ROTC
- Conscientious objection
- Equal school access for counter-recruitment
- General counter-recruitment/Truth in Recruitment youth education
- NCLB recruiting list opt-out
- Pentagon Database (JAMRS)
- Research
Years in Operation: 11-20 years
Summary describing your organization: With support from the American Friends Service Committee (Quakers),the Central Committee of Conscientious Objectors, and NNOMY (National Network Opposed to Militarism of Youth), I continue to learn the legalities and find materials and support for this project. I began one session with 7 home schooled kids, reached out to invite teens in local church youth programs, and local high school students. I have some young people work with me for over a year. College students tend to meet once or twice with me and then study on their own. The military recruiters have been at the Port Townsend High School as many as three times a week during the school year. Recruiters from all branches of the military were hanging out at lunch time to talk to kids in the cafeteria, but the school moved them to another room, thanks to the efforts of students at the school. I travel across the state, making presentations to local peace groups, high schools and colleges, and church groups. The Teen Peace kids have kept awareness of the No Child Left Behind Act and student's right to "opt out" on the minds of students, their parents, and school administrators. Teen Peace participants help to facilitate sessions for other teens and younger kids. The also accompany me on some of the community presentations I am invited to. They are actively working for peace and non-violence. Art exhibits, letters and articles in local papers, and making videos to express your beliefs, are all ways that you can document you are a conscientious objector.

Contact Person: Liz Rivera Goldstein
Located in: west-region

Revised 9/24v/2022