Organization: |
City: San Francisco
State: California
Zipcode: 94110
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Organizational Website:
Scope of organization:
- National
- Internet based
This organization is a:
- Counter-recruitment Organization
Organization base:
- Virtual online community based
Other Outreach: Draft registration resisters and supporters of all ages
Issues you are working on:
- Conscientious objection
- Draft registration & Selective Service
Years in Operation: More than 20 years
Summary describing your organization: Provides information, education, speakers, and training about the draft ("Selective Service"), draft registration, draft resistance, the medical draft ("Health Care Personnel Delivery System"), and compulsory "national service", for men and/or women. Suports, encourages, and advocates continued and heightened resistance to the current ongoing draft registration, and to any military draft. Encourages awareness of draft registration and contingency planning for a draft by counter-militarism organizers, counselors, and outreach workers and by people and communities potentially subject to the draft (especially health care workers and young people, incluidng women and men).

Contact Person: Edward Hasbrouck
Located in: western-region
Revised 9/02/2022