The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth offers unpaid internships in support of school curriculum requirements. You may make a request for an interview with the steering committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and submit a letter of intent to fulfill a program requirement. This letter of intent should include the name of your school or university, program or department, and adviser including the time that you are requesting an internship for as well as a copy of your scholastic and/or work and activism resume.
In addition to current posted internship opportunities that are posted below on this page by NNOMY, you are welcome to submit internship ideas that support our mission of youth demilitarization activism and may offer new insights into this activism through your own research. Please submit such a proposal in your letter of inquiry to our steering committee.
We wish to clarify with you that you will be assisting a network that engages with advocacy for peace groups nationally and that this network is political in nature and controversial in its activism.
Currently seeking two Communications Interns for Spring/Summer/Fall 2015 to assist on NNOMY Communications Projects
Internship Periods to be fulfilled are April through July 2015 / Opportunities for September through November 2015 also Available.
One to work out of the San Francisco Office of American Friends Service Committee's Wage Peace Program office and another to work out of the Chicago Office of American Friends Service Committee's Youth Peace Building and Justice Program office. A desk and computer will be made available to you and project oversight will be made by a NNOMY steering committee member of NNOMY volunteer staff person. You will be encouraged to develop a collaborative relationship with your co-intern and staff or committee overseer. Any internship evaluation requirement will be made collectively, as well, by interns and collaborators.
The internship for the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth will support the networks website and social media sites by aggregating content from the National list serve and by tracking the associated groups to keep all online communications current.
The position also presents opportunities for generating articles on issues relating to youth militarization in public schools by military recruitment efforts of the Department of Defense and the various programs that are designed to increase recruitment outcomes for the military.
These internships will also involve working with the NNOMY Communications staff and the NNOMY steering Committee to support their campaigns and development of support materials for affiliated organizations.
Desirable skills for these internships would be:
- Critical thinking skills
- Writing skills
- research skills
- Some knowledge of form submitted website systems
- Knowledge of Social Media systems like Facebook, Twitter, and Google +
- Some graphic design ability is desirable
Applicants should be able to work independently and follow the guidelines set by the steering committee and can organize their own work independently. Applicants must also be willing to study an orientation packet to familiarize themselves with the essential work and issues of the network. Though the Network has its address in the office of the American Friends Service Committee in Chicago, this is a telecommute position.
These positions are well suited for individuals who are politically progressive, and believe in activating for a peaceful world. You will be working with representatives from Veteran Peace organizations, Peace Churches, peace activists affiliated to The American Friends Service Committee, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Military Famlies Speak Out, and regional peace activist organizations.
Application Deadline: March 31st, 2015
(Please include a resume and cover letter indicating why you wish to complete this internship)
Please respond by email to:
Jesus Palofox
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
773 234 3758
NNOMY's Online Donation system is currently down for service. Please check back shortly.
Youth deserve the Full Picture on Military Recruitment
“My religion is based on truth and nonviolence” ? Mahatma Gandhi
Your donation to NNOMY supports the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth's efforts to balance the message of military recruiters in our public schools where minors are routinely taught militaristic values and primed for recruitment through Department of Defense school programs designed for youth. Making a financial contribution supports NNOMY's national demilitarization work with activist organizations inside middle and high schools.
“Wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows." Martin Luther King, Jr.
Overhead is small and staffing is accomplished by dedicated volunteers. 100% of your donation goes to education outreach and supporting activists with support materials to engage in youth demilitarization work. Your donation funds national campaigns to raise awareness about the increasing militarization of our public schools, organizing activists materials for in-school presentations to educate students on the FULL PICTURE of military service, and our websites and social media channels, which receive 200 to 300 visits a day. NNOMY is the only network that performs a national networking role for counter-recruitment and youth demilitarization work.
“I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions.” ? Dorothy Day
Click to Make Your Donation to demilitarize our schools
(Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.)
through our fiscal sponsor Alliance for Global Justice. Make sure you select from the causes list, The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY), or make a check out to:
"NNOMY/AFGJ" and mail it to: AFGJ, 225 E. 26th St. Suite 1, Tucson, AZ 85713
NNOMY (National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth) is a national networking body that brings together national, regional and local organizations to oppose the growing intrusion of the military in young people's lives.
Donate to NNOMY To:
- promote communication and sharing of organizing skills and resources with peace groups and activists working in the schools;
- stimulate collaboration between network members on projects that would advance our collective goals of school demilitarization;
- facilitate nationally coordinated actions and campaigns to increase awareness about the increasing role the Pentagon plays in our public schools;
- strengthen youth-led efforts on campuses and in communities to develop peace clubs and distribute alternatives to military recruitment; and
- educate the broader activist community and general public on the need to become involved in these counter-recruitment efforts
Thank you in advance for your patronage
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