pdf REVIEW of POLICY BULLETIN 2067 Popular
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After a Board presentation was made by CAMS and the Human Rights Committee, UTLA (United Teachers Los Angeles) in February 2003, a District Committee was established to address questions and concerns regarding military recruitment. For over a year, members and supporters of CAMS, a grassroots coalition of teachers, school staff, students, parents and community have documented and reported to this School District Committee specific instances of aggressive and abusive military recruiter tactics. We have been concerned about the lack of parameters regarding military recruitment, the lack of information and misinformation. We once again went to the Board of Education September 12, 2005 to express our concerns and present specific resolutions to address them. At the same time, approximately 250 email messages mobilized by the Leave My Child Alone campaign were sent to the Board of Education members to support our efforts. Following the Board presentation by a student, parent, teacher and CAMS Coordinator, we were promised that action would be taken within the next month.