Before You Enlist Video -
Researching Pop Culture and Militarism -
If you have been Harassed by a Military Recruiter -
Back-to-School Kit for Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Organizing is focused on student privacy
Click through to find out
Religion and militarism -
‘A Poison in the System’: Military Sexual Assault - New York Times
Change your Mind?
Talk to a Counselor at the GI Rights Hotline
Ask that your child's information is denied to Military Recruiters
And monitor that this request is honored.
Military Recruiters and Programs Target marginalized communities for recruits...
..and the high schools in those same communities

 Militarization of our Schools

The Pentagon is taking over our poorer public schools. This is the reality for disadvantaged youth.


What we can do

Corporate/conservative alliances threaten Democracy . Progressives have an important role to play.

 Why does NNOMY matter?

Most are blind or indifferent to the problem.
A few strive to protect our democracy.

Pat Elder

Pat ElderPat Elder was a co-founder of the DC Antiwar Network (DAWN) and a member of the Steering Committee of the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth, (NNOMY).  Pat is currently involved in a national campaign with the Women's International League for Peace & Freedom project, Military Poisons,  investigating on U.S. military base contamination domestically and internationally.  Pat’s work has prominently appeared in NSA documents tracking domestic peace groups.



audio  Pat Elder - National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth

Statewide ASVAB Option 8 Bill SB 423, Advances in Connecticut

Pat Elder -

We’re working with the ACLU of Connecticut to pass SB 423, a bill that would protect the privacy of high school students who take the ASVAB.  On March 19, 2014, SB 423 passed the Connecticut Education Committee 22-10 on a purely partisan vote.

We’re hopeful the bill will make it to the floor.  Ahead of the vote, the committee received this testimony opposed to the legislation from Lt. Colonel Michael D. Coleman, Commander, U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion, Albany, NY. The letter apparently didn’t sway a single Democratic vote.

For those of us across the country who have been working on this issue for years, this letter represents the epitome of deception, ignorance and arrogance. Please take a moment to read the Lt. Colonel’s letter and our response. 

Linchpin of Pentagon’s School-based Recruitment: Student Testing Program (ASVAB) Rife with Errors and Contradictions

Pat Elder -

Student Privacy Compromised by Massive Program

In late December, 2013 the Department of Defense released a database on the military’s controversial Student Testing Program in 11,700 high schools across the country.  An examination of the complex and contradictory dataset raises serious issues regarding student privacy and the integrity of the Student Testing Program in America’s schools.

The data was released after a protracted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

See the State ASVAB Databases and the National Database.

The DoD’s Freedom of Information office reports that 678,000 students participated in the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Career Exploration Program (ASVAB-CEP) during the 2012-2013 school year, down nearly 10% from the previous school year. The three-hour test is the linchpin of the Pentagon’s school-based recruiting program and provides the Military Entrance Processing Command (USMEPCOM) an invaluable tool in prescreening candidates for military service.

The ASVAB is the military’s entrance exam that is given to fresh recruits to determine their aptitude for various military occupations. Since 1968 the test has also been used as a recruiting tool in high schools. It’s used by USMEPCOM to gain sensitive, personal information on high school students, the vast majority of whom are under the age of 18. Students typically take the test at school without parental consent and often without parental knowledge.

Lead contamination in the high schools from military marksmanship programs

Pat Elder -

Guide to Lead Management for Air Gun ShootingThe Guide to Lead Management for Air Gun Shooting produced by the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), 2013, is a misleading publication that may seriously jeopardize the health of millions of high school children and staff across the nation who may come into contact with lead particulate matter as a result of inadequate supervision and maintenance of indoor firing ranges.

The CMP provides mandatory training and curriculum to Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force JROTC Marksmanship Instructors.  The course covers how to safely and properly conduct air rifle live firing in the nation's high schools.

This CMP publication is based on dated and questionable science. It minimizes the health risks associated with indoor firing ranges using air rifles and pistols.

HET exhibited gross technical incompetence

Technical aspects of the CMP guide rely on the findings of Health & Environmental Technology LLC (HET), an environmental testing firm from Colorado Springs, Colorado.  The sole employee of HET is Mr. Robert Rodosevich. HET has come under scrutiny in Colorado for "gross technical incompetence in technical compliance."

HET was contracted last year by a listing Realtor to prepare a "Preliminary Assessment" of the degree of contamination of a house used as methamphetamine lab. HET came very close to giving the house a clean bill of health before properly licensed professionals were called in to conduct a thorough and legal evaluation of the highly contaminated residence.

How the U.S. collects data on potential recruits

Pat Elder -

America´s Army AA3The US military maintains an Orwellian database containing intimate details on 30 million youth between the ages of 16 and 25, providing local recruiters with personal information to use in a psychological campaign to lure on youth within their designated regions.  Before meeting, recruiters know what's in Johnny's head, if Johnny has a girlfriend, and what she thinks of his decision regarding enlistment. We'll examine how they do it.

A federal law passed in 2002 under the Bush Administration provides military recruiters the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all American high school students, provided that parents and students are given the opportunity to "opt out" of the lists being forwarded to recruiters. To this day, the opt-out portion of the law remains relatively unknown and unenforced.

Forced Military Testing in America's Schools

ASVAB Testing in our schoolsPat Elder - The invasion of student privacy associated with military testing in U.S. high schools has been well documented by mainstream media sources, like USA Today and NPR Radio. The practice of mandatory testing, however, continues largely unnoticed.

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB is the military's entrance exam that is given to fresh recruits to determine their aptitude for various military occupations. The test is also used as a recruiting tool in 12,000 high schools across the country. The 3 hour test is used by military recruiting services to gain sensitive, personal information on more than 660,000 high school students across the country every year, the vast majority of whom are under the age of 18. Students typically are given the test at school without parental knowledge or consent. The school-based ASVAB Career Exploration Program is among the military's most effective recruiting tools.

M-1's and CMP and Lead

January 03, 2012

Report by Pat Elder -

JROTC Shooters Compete at Post's Expanded RangeI’m following up from the NNOMY Steering Committee call last week.  We all agreed to come up with ideas for a campaign for the upcoming year. I started researching marksmanship programs associated with JROTC programs in the schools and came up with a heck of a story about the Obama administration allowing a huge shipment of surplus Army guns from Korea.  That led to the eye raising finances of a non-profit set up by Congress to peddle these guns to kids, which brought me to the poisonous nature of these firing ranges.  Be thinking in terms of ways to marshal the energy of a few dozen people reading this.

According to the conservative Human Events magazine, the U.S. State Department announced Dec. 2 that it will re-consider its stance against allowing World War II M-1 Garand rifles into the United States from South Korea.  “The Department will consider a new request from the Republic of Korea (ROK) to transfer its inventory of approximately 87,000 M-1 Garand rifles into the United States for sale on the commercial market,” a spokesperson at the U. S. Department of State told the magazine on Dec. 2.

I haven't been able to confirm this anywhere on line.

The Obama administration initially approved the sale of the American-made rifles in 2009, but it reversed course and banned the sale in March 2010.  Now, it is apparently reversing course again, if Human Events can be believed.  South Korea also holds 770,160 M1 Carbines in storage.  (We apparently thought we could get more Koreans to shoot Chinese.) Anyway, the M-1 Garands are likely to be made available to the public through the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

The M-1 Garand

According to the Connecticut Post (April 10, 2000) Between 1996 and 1998, the U.S. Army turned over more than 56,000 rifles - mostly World War II-era M-1 Garands - to the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP).

Federal law authorizes CMP to sell surplus .30 and .22 caliber military rifles, parts, and ammunition. The CMP sells the government-surplus M1 Garands, M1 Carbines, .22 caliber target rifles, and small quantities of other rifles to the public.  More research needs to be completed to track CMP's record since 1998.    Buy your rifle here:

More on CMP

The CMP also assists with the management of firing ranges in public high schools and puts  weapons into the hands of thousands of American youth.  It was initially established by Congress in 1903.  The CMP Mission is to  “promote firearm safety and marksmanship training with an emphasis on youth.”  Their vision is to involve every American child in  marksmanship programs.  There are 4,806 clubs, high schools, teams and other shooting sports organizations currently affiliated with the CMP. 

The program started in 1903 as a way to encourage individuals to develop marksmanship skill to prepare them in the event they were called to serve during wartime.  In 1996 Congress established a non-profit entity, The Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety, Inc.  to carry on the work of the Civilian Marksmanship Program, although the organization is commonly known as the CMP

The Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety, Inc has total assets of $150 Million and annual revenue topping $29M in 2009.  Their 990 for 2009 shows $124 M owned in publicly traded securities.  They received $20.8 M in government grants last year.

Their chair, vice chair, and COO each make $300,000 a year and they pay their Board of Directors members $13,000-15,000 yearly. They report $9.9 M in sales less $8M in costs of goods sold, although the goods are from government surplus. (FOIA, anyone?)  They claim $597,000 in bank and credit card fees and $259,000 in miscellaneous expenses.

Their 990 says -- at not cost to the government -- they "develop curriculum for marksmanship instruction in the high schools,  train and certify JROTC coaches and inspect high school range facilities."  It's curious because CMP only spent $513,056 on these important items, especially the inspection of the ranges.  If there are 4,806 clubs affiliated with CMP and they only spent $513,056 on curriculum, training and inspections, the cost for all three per facility is a meager $106.

The Lead Issue

Many high schools have shifted from using .22's to pellet guns.  Pellet guns and .22’s use lead bullets that spew lead particulates, but CMP downplays the health risks associated with its facilities in its publication, "Guide for Lead Management for Air Gun Shooting."

The publication asserts, "Target shooting with air rifes and smallbore rifes does not create real health risks for shooting sports participants."  There is substantial scientific evidence to refute this.

The CMP also claims, "When air gun range cleaning is performed according to prescribed range management guidelines, lead residues from air gun firing can be effectively removed from the range floor.  This is probably a correct assertion, but can we safely assume guidelines are being adhered to at all 4,806 CMP clubs?

In air rife shooting, projectiles made of lead are placed in the breech end of the rifle barrel and are propelled towards the target by bursts of compressed gas. Lead management issues arise from handling pellets, the passage of pellets through the barrel and the fragmentation of pellets that occurs when pellets strike backstops.  All of this may occur in the school gym after school hours.

Direction for a new campaign

There have been numerous studies and press reports documenting health risks associated with firing ranges, but little activism to exploit the issue.  We need to come together to brainstorm on ways to do this. Following are some snippets from the press.

The Sheboygan Rifle & Pistol Club, an organization affiliated with the CMP recently moved its shooting range out of a Wisconsin middle school after parents raised concerns about exposing students to lead.  The club had an October, 2011 deadline to either upgrade the range's ventilation system or move out. Parents raised concerns about how the children were being protected from the range's lead residue.

In 2002, Youth shooting programs at the Tanana Valley  (AK) Sportsmen's Association, an organization affiliated with the CMP, shooting range have been halted after 10 members of the Lathrop High School rifle team were found to have high concentrations of lead in their blood.

A Lynnbrook, NY school closed its firing range in the basement due to high levels of airborn lead
>Blood lead screening in Alaska shows dangerous levels associated with school firing ranges.

"The U.S. Center for Disease Control recognizes blood lead levels (BLLs) of >25 µg/dL in adults and >10 µg/dL in children aged <6 years as levels of concern; no similar level has been set for older children and adolescents (1,2). During 2002--2004, the Alaska Environmental Public Health Program (EPHP) conducted lead-exposure assessments of school-based indoor shooting teams in the state, after a BLL of 44 µg/dL was reported in a man aged 62 years who coached a high school shooting team in central Alaska. This report summarizes the results of the EPHP investigation of potential lead exposure in 66 members of shooting teams, aged 7--19 years, who used five indoor firing ranges. The findings suggest that improper design, operation, and maintenance of ranges were the likely cause of elevated BLLs among team members at four of the five firing ranges. Public health officials should identify indoor firing ranges that have not implemented lead-safety measures and offer consultation to reduce the risk for lead exposure among shooters, coaches, and employees."

Although outdoor firing ranges put more lead into the environment than nearly any other major industrial sector in the United States, they remain almost entirely unregulated. In just two years a typical outdoor firing range can have lead contamination equivalent to a five-acre Superfund site.

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.



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Contact NNOMY


The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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