Before You Enlist Video -
Researching Pop Culture and Militarism -
If you have been Harassed by a Military Recruiter -
Back-to-School Kit for Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Organizing is focused on student privacy
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Religion and militarism -
‘A Poison in the System’: Military Sexual Assault - New York Times
Change your Mind?
Talk to a Counselor at the GI Rights Hotline
Ask that your child's information is denied to Military Recruiters
And monitor that this request is honored.
Military Recruiters and Programs Target marginalized communities for recruits...
..and the high schools in those same communities

 Militarization of our Schools

The Pentagon is taking over our poorer public schools. This is the reality for disadvantaged youth.


What we can do

Corporate/conservative alliances threaten Democracy . Progressives have an important role to play.

 Why does NNOMY matter?

Most are blind or indifferent to the problem.
A few strive to protect our democracy.

A Military Whitewash Campaign

Pat Elder - The National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy -

We own your freedomA bill that would have protected the privacy of Connecticut's school children was recently defeated by the Democratically-controlled General Assembly. The legislation was designed to prohibit the release of student information without parental consent.

Parents should be confident that they can send their children to school and know that extremely sensitive information about their child's verbal and math abilities will not be sent to a third party without their knowledge or consent. Parents should not have to worry that detailed demographic information, including social security numbers, are released without their O.K.

Parents have cause to be concerned because the military is excluded from the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). - That's the Federal law, passed in 1982 that allows mom and dad the opportunity to consent to the release of any information about their kids. (1)

SB 423 is a bill that would have prohibited the wholesale release of student information to military recruiters gained through the administration of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Career Exploration Program (ASVAB-CEP) without parental consent.

Few realize that it's possible for a Connecticut child to attend school, take a military entrance exam proctored by DoD employees and have all the information sent to military recruiters without parents knowing about it.

The legislation would still allow the military to use the ASVAB for recruiting purposes. (2) Instead, a student would have to visit a military recruiter and fill out a form to use the test scores for enlistment. ASVAB results are the only information leaving Connecticut's schools about students without providing for parental consent. It's a violation of civil liberties and it should stop.

Why then, did Connecticut lawmakers give the military a pass? After the Education Committee overwhelmingly approved the measure, the U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion Commander and the Chair of the Veterans' Committee that killed the legislation mislead the public. It was probably the only way they could derail this common sense measure.

Connecticut is witnessing a military whitewash campaign. The testimony submitted to the legislature by U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion Commander Lt. Col. Michael D. Coleman is incorrect on a fundamental point. He is not accurate when he writes that children will lose the opportunity to benefit from the Career Exploration Program if SB 423 is passed. (3) Military regulations clearly state that a school can prohibit the release of student data to recruiters but still take advantage of the Career Exploration Program. (4) Schools like participating in the Career Exploration Program because it provides a free career exploration tool that enables students to explore the world of work.

Defending the decision to kill the legislation, Veterans' Affairs Committee Chair Rep. Jack Hennessy said, "To my knowledge, parents already have this ability to limit the dispersal of information and we thought it unnecessary." (5) Hennessy is wrong. Military regulations state that only school or military officials may decide if ASVAB results are released to recruiters. (6) This is why the Education Committee thought the legislation was necessary! Perhaps Hennessey didn't understand the measure. Both Coleman and Hennessey misrepresented the truth to the people of Connecticut.

On Saturday the New Haven Register published a story on the defeat of the ASVAB bill (7) The school officials the paper contacted didn't seem to have a problem with the administration of the test because they've been relying on the recruiting command for information. They're victims of the same whitewash campaign. This is commonplace across the country.

The paper reported, "In New Haven schools, parents are given an opt-out letter at orientation "that allows parents to declare that they do not wish for their child's student information to be shared with military recruiters," said schools spokeswoman Abbe Smith in an email.'"

Smith apparently didn't realize that ASVAB results aren't subject to the opt-out clause of the No Child Left Behind Act. If this were the case, the legislation would not be necessary. This is the same claim Rep. Hennessy made.

Officials at Hillhouse High School apparently told the Register, "The school only shares information with recruiters if the student indicates that he or she is interested in pursuing a future with the military."

This is wrong on three counts, although it is a common falsehood spread by the recruiting command in schools across the country. First, most students taking the ASVAB are minors and they're legally prohibited from making decisions regarding the release of personal information from the schools. Second, students must sign an ASVAB privacy statement that asks for their signature to release information. The statement says the tests will not be processed if students don't sign. (8) Third, the decisions regarding the release of ASVAB results are either made by school officials or the recruiting command, not kids or parents! If a school official doesn't know this (and most don't) and isn't proactive in selecting ASVAB Option 8, then the recruiting command collects the data.

To finish the whitewash, Rep. David Alexander, a member of the Veterans' Committee, published an op-ed in the Connecticut News Junkie "In Support of Connecticut Military Service," in which he advocated circumventing parental decision- making regarding the release of their children's information. (9) In arguing against giving parents the right to consent to information leaving the state's schools and heading to recruiters, Alexander writes, "I can envision that many well-intended parents may discourage their children from joining the military as they enter adulthood post-high school." Alexander refers to the privacy issue as a 'red herring" and argues that "Vietnam-era distrust is imbued within SB 423" He writes that SB 423 "only furthers the cultural divide between the all-volunteer force and the civilian population."

We take the opposite view. The military operates a deceptive testing program that is marketed as a free "Career Exploration Program" while internal military manuals say the primary purpose of the program in the schools is to "procure leads" for recruiters. (10) If there is a cultural divide, as Alexander suggests, it may be lessened if the military acts in a transparent fashion according to the dictates of a democratic society.



(1) See pages 14 & 15 of the ASVAB Counselor Guide where the DoD argues its
case that test results are exempt from federal laws. In short, they say
ASVAB results become records of the school only after those results are
provided to the schools.

< ASVAB Counselor Guide

NAL.pdf> Rutgers University School of Law does a good job at framing this
issue; so does the

L.A. Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild.
(2) SB 423

(3) Letter from Lt. Col. Michael D. Coleman, Commander, U.S. Army
Recruiting Battalion. Dated 3/10/14:

"Moreover, if enacted students will lose a proven occupational, vocational
and technical counseling tool and the opportunity afforded by the career
Exploration program"


(4) "The access option chosen by the school will be honored without
discrimination and without adverse effect of quality or priority of service
to the school." See
f> USMEPCOM Regulation 601-4; Recruiter Release Option 3-2 a.

(5) Veterans' Committee Chair quoted in Vice Magazine. How the US Military
Collects Data on Millions of High School Students. By Charles Davis;

(6) See Sec. 3-2 a. Recruiter Release Options USMEPCOM Regulation 601-4
"Only a school official will select the recruiter release option for their
students. If no option is requested, the MEPS ESS will assign"

(7) Group wants military recruiting info on students kept private by Ed
Stannard 5/3/14

8) ASVAB Answer Sheet DD Form 1304-5AS

(9) In Support of Connecticut Military Service; by Rep. David Alexander; CT
News Junkie, 4/28/14

(10) <> Section 6-2
of the US Army Recruiting Command's School Recruiting Program Handbook

Pat Elder, Director, National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy

 Revised 01/30/2022

A bill that would have protected the privacy of Connecticut's school
children was recently defeated by the Democratically-controlled General
Assembly. The legislation was designed to prohibit the release of student
information without parental consent.

Parents should be confident that they can send their children to school and
know that extremely sensitive information about their child's verbal and
math abilities will not be sent to a third party without their knowledge or
consent. Parents should not have to worry that detailed demographic
information, including social security numbers, are released without their

Parents have cause to be concerned because the military is excluded from the
provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). -
That's the Federal law, passed in 1982 that allows mom and dad the
opportunity to consent to the release of any information about their kids.

SB 423 is a bill that would have prohibited the wholesale release of student
information to military recruiters gained through the administration of the
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Career Exploration Program
(ASVAB-CEP) without parental consent.

Few realize that it's possible for a Connecticut child to attend school,
take a military entrance exam proctored by DoD employees and have all the
information sent to military recruiters without parents knowing about it.

The legislation would still allow the military to use the ASVAB for
recruiting purposes. (2) Instead, a student would have to visit a military
recruiter and fill out a form to use the test scores for enlistment. ASVAB
results are the only information leaving Connecticut's schools about
students without providing for parental consent. It's a violation of civil
liberties and it should stop.

Why then, did Connecticut lawmakers give the military a pass? After the
Education Committee overwhelmingly approved the measure, the U.S. Army
Recruiting Battalion Commander and the Chair of the Veterans' Committee that
killed the legislation mislead the public. It was probably the only way they
could derail this common sense measure.

Connecticut is witnessing a military whitewash campaign. The testimony
submitted to the legislature by U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion Commander Lt.
Col. Michael D. Coleman is incorrect on a fundamental point. He is not
accurate when he writes that children will lose the opportunity to benefit
from the Career Exploration Program if SB 423 is passed. (3) Military
regulations clearly state that a school can prohibit the release of student
data to recruiters but still take advantage of the Career Exploration
Program. (4) Schools like participating in the Career Exploration Program
because it provides a free career exploration tool that enables students to
explore the world of work.

Defending the decision to kill the legislation, Veterans' Affairs Committee
Chair Rep. Jack Hennessy said, "To my knowledge, parents already have this
ability to limit the dispersal of information and we thought it
unnecessary." (5) Hennessy is wrong. Military regulations state that only
school or military officials may decide if ASVAB results are released to
recruiters. (6) This is why the Education Committee thought the
legislation was necessary! Perhaps Hennessey didn't understand the measure.
Both Coleman and Hennessey misrepresented the truth to the people of

On Saturday the New Haven Register published a story on the defeat of the
ASVAB bill (7) The school officials the paper contacted didn't seem to
have a problem with the administration of the test because they've been
relying on the recruiting command for information. They're victims of the
same whitewash campaign. This is commonplace across the country.

The paper reported, "In New Haven schools, parents are given an opt-out
letter at orientation "that allows parents to declare that they do not wish
for their child's student information to be shared with military
recruiters," said schools spokeswoman Abbe Smith in an email.'"

Smith apparently didn't realize that ASVAB results aren't subject to the
opt-out clause of the No Child Left Behind Act. If this were the case, the
legislation would not be necessary. This is the same claim Rep. Hennessy

Officials at Hillhouse High School apparently told the Register, "The school
only shares information with recruiters if the student indicates that he or
she is interested in pursuing a future with the military."

This is wrong on three counts, although it is a common falsehood spread by
the recruiting command in schools across the country. First, most students
taking the ASVAB are minors and they're legally prohibited from making
decisions regarding the release of personal information from the schools.
Second, students must sign an ASVAB privacy statement that asks for their
signature to release information. The statement says the tests will not be
processed if students don't sign. (8) Third, the decisions regarding the
release of ASVAB results are either made by school officials or the
recruiting command, not kids or parents! If a school official doesn't know
this (and most don't) and isn't proactive in selecting ASVAB Option 8, then
the recruiting command collects the data.

To finish the whitewash, Rep. David Alexander, a member of the Veterans'
Committee, published an op-ed in the Connecticut News Junkie "In Support of
Connecticut Military Service," in which he advocated circumventing parental
decision- making regarding the release of their children's information. (9)
In arguing against giving parents the right to consent to information
leaving the state's schools and heading to recruiters, Alexander writes, "I
can envision that many well-intended parents may discourage their children
from joining the military as they enter adulthood post-high school."
Alexander refers to the privacy issue as a 'red herring" and argues that
"Vietnam-era distrust is imbued within SB 423" He writes that SB 423 "only
furthers the cultural divide between the all-volunteer force and the
civilian population."

We take the opposite view. The military operates a deceptive testing
program that is marketed as a free "Career Exploration Program" while
internal military manuals say the primary purpose of the program in the
schools is to "procure leads" for recruiters. (10) If there is a cultural
divide, as Alexander suggests, it may be lessened if the military acts in a
transparent fashion according to the dictates of a democratic society.

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.

Gonate time or money to demilitarize our public schools



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The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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